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call me pathetic i want to send this

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its been hard these past few days....i want to send her this email i know it is sappy but it isnt asking her for anything and basically says if we are meant to be we will be but not know


any votes to send it


how are you i know it has been some time....i miss you i miss us....i know you dont feel that way anymore and i dont know if you ever will again maybe i wont either but i just wanted you know i dont hate you i love you......that will subside in time i am sure as i know thats what you are hoping for....i know you loved me to your best ability at this time whether it was enough or not we arent together by your choice...


i loved you to my best ability and gave you what i could at this time, i know i have some things to get settled in my life and you know what they are......i wanted to give you everything but it just wasnt possible and sadly enough you didnt want to wait around for me to follow through because you though that i always let you down.....i dont hate you for it just wished you worked with me a little longer


i feel that we are meant to be but i am accepting the fact that you chose this path of being apart and moving on maybe you will meet someone who you think may suit you but i doubt that someone will make you feel the way i did and god forbid if you were ever to be intimate with someone(i dont know how you could let someone else touch you?) or maybe you need to get a taste of whats out there.....to see if you can find better but i know in my heart we were meant to be close like we were i just think our timing was screwed up


i know that neither one of us wanted to hurt eachother and things did happen that hurt both of us.....i am sorry for all of it


if we do meet again at this point it would be great if others come into our lives then i guess we werent meant to be....i dont know just been feeling alot of emotion lately about you and i didnt want to meet you just to say goodbye because you already did that......i was just concerned about you because of christmas eve


all in all babe i miss you..everything....from the little kisses to our texts to our coffee with whippy....our little romantic dates.....our hopes....and dreams........to the way you used to look at me deep into my eyes and mine into yours.......to the way we would talk about our little daughter to be all of it....


if i could change it all including your heart i would...but i need this time to get me right .....and if we have the one true love that you said we were on may 212006 when you came back to me then it will still be there when the time is right....until then

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Dude, I've been following your tale and you've been chasing your tail.


Sorry to be blunt but you have to kick your own * * * here and realise that nothing you do or say is going to change anything. You're going to have to commit to NC, join SD's challenge and do not send this email... or any email for that matter.


Superdave is going to get his duct tape out for you I fear.

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I vote AGAINST it [-( [-( [-( I agree with Zombiain...


If you want to send it, send it here and leave it here. Keep posting it here when you have that "urge" to send her something, but do not send it to her. Down the road once you've finally let go and moved on, come back and reread ALL your post, you'll see who has the last laugh. Hang tough buddy.

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do us and yourself a huge favor, and this may seem trite but please - STEP AWAY FROM THE LETTER, GET AN ENVELOPE - AND ADDRESS IT TO YOURSELF-MAIL IT A COUPLE OF TOWNS AWAY FROM YOU-SO YOU DON'T GET IT BACK RIGHT AWAY-OPEN AND READ AND THEN TELL US IF YOU WANT TO SEND IT....I say this with pure and open heart to you. (It is a beautiful letter).....Please see above!

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You need to STOP PUSHING.....I don;t care WHAT YOUR INTENSIONS ARE....She will NOT SEE IT THAT WAY!!


She will see it as pressure....WALK AWAY......for now.


You need to get your head on straight!!! OK? LISTEN TO WHAT EVERYONE IS SAYING OUT THERE...





You can DO THIS!!!!





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Trust me man, sending this email is like shooting yourself in the foot. Self inflicted pain, while lets others no we are hurting, it does nothing but hurt ourselves. Whatever you do, you cannot change the minds of others. So why send it? It won't make her change her mind and all it will accomplish is hurting yourself. Leave her be and start a strict NC. NC will enable you to find ways of dealing with pain. Now, take a notebook and write down things you want to tell her, but never tell her and burn it at a time when you no longer need her.

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Hey there,


I have been following your story from the sidelines and please, do not send that email. Nothing good will come out of sending it and deep down, you know this.


You joined SuperDave's challenge. You made a pact, keep that promise you made to yourself. Do not let yourself down.


Keep talking to us here.

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Hi Kicked...I got your PM the other day...thanks so much for the support.


I liked your letter...it was well written and well thought out...but like the others have said...your ex probably will not receive the letter with the intentions you have set forth. All you will be doing is perpetuating your OWN pain...please don;\'t do that to yourself. You deserve the best....and you shouldn't have to settle for less. Keep telling yourself that....


The suggestion about mailing the letter to yourself is a good one. Print it out, and actually mail it to yourself..and then see how you feel.


Take care..

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