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I'm doing fine. Thanks for asking.


I'm chilly today, and my instinct was to pull on my ex's clothes over my own--which are always too big, but really cozy. It's no longer an option, so I made a pot of tea instead (not quite the same).


I'm busy meeting new people. I can't focus on work for very long, but push myself through it.


And I think about my ex often. I'm flipflopping between thinking we've gone beyond the point of no return, and still wanting to get back together. It's exhausting. I can't help but wonder where he's at with all of this.

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Feeling low today SD. I have been doing so great lately, and really have started to feel like me again. This past week, I was beginning to think that if she did come back I probably wouldnt take her right now. And started to boost my ego by thinking that its her loss. Those types of things were helping me and I was really happy. then today (her birthday) I kind of fell apart. Not knowing if I should contact her, wanting to see her, things like that. So today is a bad day right now. I am going to try and make it the best I can though. Just cant help thinking about her being with someone else, and that they probably went out last night for her birthday and had a great time.....without me

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have to say that breaking NC and checking out her emails was the best thing for me to do yeasterday. she's been telling all sorts of lies about me to all sorts of people.

odd how i'm posting in the getting back together forum. there ain't a snowflake in hells chance of the ever happening. i wish i could get the heart to see it the way the head does.


i'm so mad with myself ro letting her get me into this state yet again, making me feel like i'm worthless and allthe problems we had were of my making. and what does she get? she gets a new girlfriend the day after we split up and gets to tell everyone about the psycho ex.


had one bit of good news though. i typed the addrws wrong on the email i sent her so it never reached her.

kinda bothers me this NC thing with her. i know it's what's best for me in the long run, but it's what she asked for, never to speak to me ever again. she has her wish.

sorry my thought are a bit all over today. i really need some sleep!


thanks for putting up with my rantings and blah



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Day...um. 16 of NC.


Been an ok day. At the beginning I had a few moments where I couldn't stop my mind wandering to better times, and had to grit my teeth and force myself back to the present. Since then, I dunno. Just felt a bit weird all day. Not bad, not good though. Nevermind. Just have to put up with it.

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the end of day 2 of NC for me... I was ok all day, but I cried a lot while washing the dishes and cleaning up and my mom told me not to take him back ever, after that i missed him more and more ... I'm guilty of getting into his email address, he hasn't changed his password yet (I know I'm not allowed to do so...but I'll get to do it better in time, I promise) I feel anger towards him, I don't know if I can deal with this (his behaviour)

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Day 18 of NC


Last night went to a bar with some of my friends, felt way better, they were supportive, I fell asleep in a friends couch, he tought it was better I didnt drive back... I feel nostalgic... there is a small voice inside of my head that tells me I should give my ex a call... Sundays are the worse! Im determined to let her look for me when she is ready... if that day ever comes. I really want to get my life back on track... but I dont know if I am ready to let her go...

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Good for you TJones, you really are doing well, and I gotta say, you must have a good friend, to not let you drink and drive......


Sundays are the worst for me too, Sundays used to be the days I would do my watercolours and he would be doing his pastels..... aww well, better days ahead I hope


It can only get better I think?



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I think it might be a fact that Sundays are the worst. Most of the time when I saw him it would be a Sunday. I should have known right from the start that Sundays were bad news - the very first time I went to his house it was a Sunday. He said he'd meet me at the bus stop at noon - 3 hours and a handful of text excuses later, I walked 5 miles back to where I could get a taxi home because it was Sunday service - no more buses.


Then, again...he left me waiting in the shopping centre for 2 hours - no excuses this time. Just didn't show, or answer his phone.


And that was the day he was supposed to be making up for the fact he'd cancelled seeing me to get his haircut.

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Parsley: Aww thats so terrible, anyone could hurt you so..... Some people just don't care about anothers feelings, obviously my ex was the same kinda rat.... he always had a reason to blow me off... this and that and the other thing.... well you know how it goes right.......


You ok today though?

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I can't believe I put up with it all...if it were any of my friends I'm be bellowing at them that this guy was definitely not worth it...and my friends did. Really proves the love is blind theory doesn't it?


I'm doing alright today. Had a teeny tiny cry earlier because I was having a heart to heart with a friend about how I shouldn't hate him because it doesn't help anyone, but yet I have to constantly remind myself of all his bad points to remind myself why I'm doing this, and to try and stop myself loving him.


How about you?


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Hey Parsley, don't EVEN try to stop loving him, you won't...... doesn't work that way.


What will happen is that it will hurt a little less in time, and you will be yourself again... and life will continue... and you are beautiful.. the world is your oyster (so cliché, I know) but also true.....

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My friends and I are going to a coffe house by the beach to see the sunset, and then go to a house and watch movies... I guess this sunday wont be as bad as I tought It would be...


Hehehe im having a lot of fun listening to the neighbors scream about a mouse inside their house... the classic scene: the guy chasing a mouse with a broom, and the girl jumping on a chair and screaming hehehe

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I know I can't really do much to *stop* it. It's just difficult not trying. My previous ex...we both kind of fell out of love at the same time. Doesn't mean it didn't hurt, it was an amazing 2 and a half years...but it means that this is the first time I've been properly dumped whilst still being in love. Unless you count primary school and the evil boy who put a dampener on my self esteem for oh about....5 years?


It's times like this I think of the Wedding singer...


LOVE STINKS. Yeeeyeeah.

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Hey TJones no laughing matter, OMG I HATE MICE, they are awful, had one in here last winter, just terrible stuff.... he wouldn't leave.


Finally caught him in a sticky trap, that was disgusting too, he bit off his leg trying to get free.... Yikes....


Glad your going to have fun... you go Guy!!!!

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We get mice all the time here, result of living *in* the woods. I also see foxes pretty much every day, and can currently hear squirrels running around in the loft. Lol. We got a cat - she's a fantastic mouser, but a bit of an idiot. Brings them in and lets them to go 'play' with them.


That sounds fantastic Tijuana. Sometimes I get a fantastic view of the sunset from my house...but I regularly miss it. It's...23:22 atm, and pitch black.

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Hey TJones no laughing matter, OMG I HATE MICE, they are awful, had one in here last winter, just terrible stuff.... he wouldn't leave.


Finally caught him in a sticky trap, that was disgusting too, he bit off his leg trying to get free.... Yikes....


Last year I had a mouse in my house as well... I got him cornered and hit him hard with a broom stick... It felt HORRIBLE to watch him die, I even cried and asked God for forgiveness... true, no laughing matter...


I almost added my ex again right now to my MSN, so I can see her nick... but It wont do me any good and will surely make me have doubts and pain... Well, I guess curiosity is always lurking around... I bet thats the same case for her, and will ultimately drive her to look for me again...

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Don't! Remember you were advising me against it only 2 days ago! I removed my google notifier from my desktop so now I don't have that to keep looking at and reminding me anymore.


You are right Parsley, I wont do it. The strenght I have shown myself I posess has empowered me and is giving me an ego boost.

Tomorrow I get my braces removed and tuesday is my first day back at the gym... it feels good to do something about yourself...


Good job removing your google notifier... Its going to be easier everyday, you'll see.

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