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Hi Wiley, dont contact her! It really isnt worth it hun. It wont make you feel better either...there will be a time when you will wake up and she wont be the first thing you think of, even thought it may not seem like it now..


Thanks for your support The thing that is stopping me from contacting her is the fact that when she ignores me, it makes me feel worse than when I was thinking about doing it! So if I don't reach out, she won't have the power to ignore me will she. =;

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Willey your missing the point,


You have all the power when you dont contact her...she cant hurt you then! Its not a game, but she will be wondering " what the hell your doing?" especially if she expects you to contact her. I believe in " disappear like a ship in the night" works a treat!


You are now in control...of your feelings and what you now do..


By you contacting her, you hand over the power and control to her..


I know what I would rather do....



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Willey your missing the point,


You have all the power when you dont contact her...she cant hurt you then! Its not a game, but she will be wondering " what the hell your doing?" especially if she expects you to contact her. I believe in " disappear like a ship in the night" works a treat!


You are now in control...of your feelings and what you now do..


By you contacting her, you hand over the power and control to her..


I know what I would rather do....




I hear you and you are right. It will do me no good. I deserve better than this! Im aiming for a target of 30 days and beyond Love is a funny thing x

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Day 1 - After giving in yesterday, I feel stronger today. I know I won't contact him today. I'm keeping with the 30 days this time.


My case is SO hard... From dumper to dumpee... To think about how he went thought what I'm going through today just makes it all the much harder.


Love is NOT funny. Neither is Karma.

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day 3

didnt get the chance to go out last night, so obviously i was thinking of him all night.


woke up this morning feeling depressed. sometimes i dont even want to get out of bed, i try to make myself go back to sleep. my dreams are way better than reality right now. (if you guys read the post about my dreams, then you should know what i mean lol)


i cant help but wonder if he has thought about me at all...

if he ever truly loved me, then he should still love me, right?!


he HAS to love me... i know he does.


i miss him alot. and the birthday ordeal is really givin me hell.

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parlae - hang in there. I felt the same way this morning. I have a busy day of work today too. Doesn't help to feel broken hearted and to have a full day of work ahead of you when you're trying to get out of bed.


Just take it one day at a time. I know one day we'll wake up and be whole again.


brazilgirl21 - I counted the day after our last contact as Day 1. I.e. I talked to her on the phone on a Saturday, so day 1 was Sunday.


Today's Day 24.

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Coming up to the end of day 2, and Im still coping ok.


Had a dream about a being with a girl that wasnt her last night, then waking up wishing it was true. Havnt done that in nearly a year! Im taking it as a positive sign...


Its 4 weeks since we split, and end of day 2 without contact, and Ive felt pretty good today even if I have thought about her alot.

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Day 11, felt really numb before going to bed last night, very strange feeling, not missing her or not feeling happy just nothing! Today so so yet again, realizing how much people i meet in work seem to like me and get on well with me (just a little big up) ha. Fed up with thinking about her so much , so trying to have a day off thinking of her tomorrow (well going to try my best) also have a day off here if poss and see how i feel. also seen a pic of her ex tonight, cant believe she was with that and didnt fight to keep me, and i didnt cheat or verbaly abuse her. So thats deffo a long list of * * * * head ex`s ( sorry anyone else reading this it`s not meant to be big headed at all just a journal to help me. All in all 4.5 out of 10

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I think NC is working... I happened upon pictures of her by accident and I didn't have any sad feelings hit me - I mean I had a nostalgic feeling, but not a feeling like "I miss her so much right now, I wish she was in my arms" kind of feeling, you know? Could just be that I'm having a good day or something.


Gonna hit the gym after work today, get rid of some negative energy/stress from work.

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Just posting how I feel.


Much better than day 1. Still dealing with past pains and hurts, taking time to figure myself out. Still have feelings of nostalgia or missing, but I guess that's me being human and an indication that I cherished what we had. It's taking hard work and will take plenty more, but I'm slowly showing results, just not as quickly as I want them.


Stick to NC, whoever is doubting, NC is one of the most powerful tools to get over somebody. Cut them out and get on with your life.

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Still in DAY 2, hard day. My bosses are out of the office so I feel kind of "left" here with no real obligations and can't really get the energy to do my tasks.


Keep thinking of how my ex WANTS me out of his life right now. He told me last week that I was his best friend and that the loved me so deeply (just not in the gf way at the moment)... and now he seems to agree NC is the only way to go... I wonder if he misses me at all! =[ He's probably relieved I'm gone.

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Starting day 3, yay!


Keep it up everyone- I'm feeling a lot more together this week after what could be describe as the worst month of my life (January). I does get better! I definitely still have an overwhelming urge to call him sometimes, and the crying- but I am able to actually get some work done and feel much more emotionally stable.



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Still in DAY 2, hard day. My bosses are out of the office so I feel kind of "left" here with no real obligations and can't really get the energy to do my tasks.


Keep thinking of how my ex WANTS me out of his life right now. He told me last week that I was his best friend and that the loved me so deeply (just not in the gf way at the moment)... and now he seems to agree NC is the only way to go... I wonder if he misses me at all! =[ He's probably relieved I'm gone.


I know what he has said you to , probably really hurts but he is telling you what you need to hear..


The worst you could do at the moment is pick up the phone and call him, you will not feel better about it..


The fact they say " OK " to NC, is another sign. My ex did that to me, I really knew then I had to stay away for my own sanity...


Keep strong



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Starting day 3, yay!


Keep it up everyone- I'm feeling a lot more together this week after what could be describe as the worst month of my life (January). I does get better! I definitely still have an overwhelming urge to call him sometimes, and the crying- but I am able to actually get some work done and feel much more emotionally stable.




Well done, on day 3 NC...be kind to yourself and prepare yourself for the down days...but if you keep coming on here and talking it out it will help you no end..





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