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  1. Thanks! Nope, she hasn't tried to contact me and I'm okay with that. I'm no longer attached to her and she wants to be friends in the future then the ball is in her court. As for me, I think I'm gonna join eHarmony again and start rolling the dice.
  2. Just wanted to check in real quick. Day 60 for me! I'm doing good - I'm more focused at work, i'm in better shape and I'm ready to start dating again.
  3. Hang in there everyone. It's been 36 days since I've heard her voice or called her, emailed her, etc. It's been 9 days since i added her to facebook.
  4. Messed up on Friday - I added her to facebook. I still haven't communicated to her directly, but it counts. So I'm back to Day 3.
  5. Ok, Brazilgirl, good luck! Let us know how it goes. I'm on Day 26. Legs are sore from the workout yesterday. Going to see my niece and nephew this weekend. Btw - I made a post in the healing section about making a NC bet which really helped me. I made a bet with my best female friend where I have to stay NC for 60 days or I have to give her $80. It's really helped me. Something to think about.
  6. Brazilgirl - My vote is to not go and find something else that you can enjoy for the night and not beat yourself up about it. If it was 2 months into NC, I'd say go for it, because you're probably more healed at that point and can make better decisions and every little thing wouldn't effect you. Who cares what they think if you don't show up? If you do show up, a lot of different things can happen: 1) Your ex doesn't show up. You said it "will leave me absolutely heartbroken because it will prove to me he is REALLY avoiding me." That's pain you don't need right now. 2) Your ex shows up alone. Temptation to flirt with him and break NC will be there. 3) Your ex shows up with another girl. I don't know about you, but I couldn't stand to see my Ex with another guy right now. I think that would set me back mentally, and right now all I want to do is to heal and improve myself. But it's up to you. That's just my take on it.
  7. Welcome to the club, PurpleMonkey. I'm on Day 25 and things are really starting to look brighter. I've become really excited about working out a lot and getting back into shape. Also, I've promised myself to start studying harder at work to become a better lawyer. If she ever decides to come back to me, I'll be a better man. Also, I'll be in a better state of mind as to whether our relationship is right for me.
  8. I think NC is working... I happened upon pictures of her by accident and I didn't have any sad feelings hit me - I mean I had a nostalgic feeling, but not a feeling like "I miss her so much right now, I wish she was in my arms" kind of feeling, you know? Could just be that I'm having a good day or something. Gonna hit the gym after work today, get rid of some negative energy/stress from work.
  9. parlae - hang in there. I felt the same way this morning. I have a busy day of work today too. Doesn't help to feel broken hearted and to have a full day of work ahead of you when you're trying to get out of bed. Just take it one day at a time. I know one day we'll wake up and be whole again. brazilgirl21 - I counted the day after our last contact as Day 1. I.e. I talked to her on the phone on a Saturday, so day 1 was Sunday. Today's Day 24.
  10. Day 23 for me. Was feeling better yesterday - did a lot of cardio at the gym yesterday. But today, I'm feeling down. I wonder if she's mad at me for not contacting her on her birthday on January 22nd. Just felt like crying pretty much all day at work.
  11. Congratulations, Fiffy! I just got done with my 21st day of NC. Still miss her, but I'm "starting with the man in the mirror" now and getting a good workout routine going.
  12. On day 4 of NC. Sort of in an anger stage where when I think of her I call her vicious names in my mind, like "that stupid jerk" but much worse. I made a bet with my best friend that I can be strictly NC for 2 months. If I lose the bet, I have to pay $80.
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