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Well, day 4. Still no contact on my part or hers as I said I will never hear from her again and if I do it will be on my birthday this month, Not that I want to hear from her. Sometimes I do and part of me does, but the other part just wants to go my way and get over it.

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Day #16...


Still feeling a REALLY strong urge to look at his Facebook or MySpace...I think maybe part of me is hoping that he will have broken up with the new gf at some point over the last four weeks! How silly is that, given that he doesn't want me anyway?


If I can just make it to Saturday, though, it will have been a full four weeks since I looked at either profile or read an AIM away message or profile update (he's blocked on AIM, which helps with that!).

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Day 5 for me. Good days and bad. Kept busy this week but have nothing big planned for the weekend so it will be hard. Have to find a project to do around the house.


I sent my letter Friday, he would have had it Sat or Mon at the latest. Was hoping for response, but received none. Really didn't think I would, but hoping. Decided that Sunday was going to be my first day of NC, in case I didn't get a response.


Had the urge to drive by his house yesterday...kept driving. Made me very proud...today....couldn't resist. Went by. Don't know what it does for me, but I want to do it. Have to stop.


I wish I knew if he missed me at all.....

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Just a girl


What letter did you send?





I never got a chance to say much to him. He broke up w/ me over the phone, but said he wanted to talk to me in person because I deserved more than that. Well, that never happened...he chickened out I suppose...went back and forth about when he was coming over for a week. I am the type that needs to get out what I want to say, even if it's in a letter. So I sent a letter that told him what I know, how I wished things would have happened instead of it being so final, that I want us both to be happy, and regarding an issue of money he owes me for a vacation he told me to book for us one week before we broke up....big mistake on his part. I debated on whether to send it, and know myself well enough that if I didn't send it now, I would send it in a month, and that was the last thing I wanted...for him to know I was still pining away after so much time...so I sent it and asked that he contact me by tomorrow regarding the money, that was all. That we didn't need to talk about us. I have not heard....I know it's not tomorrow yet, but I am not hopeful....

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Thanks for the offer,Her Cancer has spread and she has little time left.


And to think the year started great

Then my cat gets chronic kidney failure,My girl dumps me and now this.


I feel like frickin Job


I'm sorry to hear all of this...I hope you find some peace this year....

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Thanks for the offer,Her Cancer has spread and she has little time left.


And to think the year started great

Then my cat gets chronic kidney failure,My girl dumps me and now this.


I feel like frickin Job


I am very sorry to hear it. It must be so hard. Please get all the support you can from here and everywhere else. Try to focus too on what's most important to you right now, which is your mother. You say she has little time left, try to spend that time with her in a positive way xx

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day5 almost done, at times I feel great, I got a new joband I guess that's that, but now I have a deep sense of regret and want to contact to say sorry, I am sorry and regret what I didn't do. Not in a get back together sense, just a sorry because I realize things I did. ah well;

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Night 2 and I feeling most weak right now. I expected that she would have tried to call me or text me but she didn't. I went out to a poker club tonight and won $200. it's the first time I've played for 8 months (I used to play for a living) and want to tell her about it. Very tempted to send her a text message.

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mustang, write a list of all the things that you DIDNT like about her during your relationship. Keep it by you, look at it often. I have done it and honestly, IT WORKS


somehow, over a period of a few days every time that 'missing them' feeling pops in your head grab your list, and your brain starts to turn things around slowly, so that you dont have so many fond memories and when you do think of them its something off your 'things you didnt like' list


its worked for me, and if it gets you through its got to be worth a try?


good luck x

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I have been NC for exactly 3 weeks (since my drunk dial episode which im blocking out!) and have found out quite by accident that he drove past me on the motorway at Easter and I was behind him for about ten minutes)


He recognised me but i didnt know it was him because he was in his new car. Im not counting this as contact because it was coincidence so I hope thats ok.

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