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Well, its the end of day 4


And I'm glad it's about over to be honest. Its been just over 2 weeks since he left me and today has been just horrible.

All of a sudden at work this afternoon and I was in floods of tears. Its been 4 days of NC and I really, truly thought he'd have called me by now but he hasn't. I feel like I've been dumped again - I guess I got him totally wrong - he must be getting on with his life while I'm sitting at home pining for him. Desperate for him to miss me. I wish I could hate him for what he's putting me through, but I can't

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Day 5


I echo your sentiments, L4W. After all that time together, I thought I knew this other person. Now, I am beginning to have my doubts. I know not all ex-girlfriends will contact you just to say hi on Thanksgiving, but I thought this one was the type that would. I try to hate her, too, by the way. It fails every time, with me ending up feeling guilty for thinking ill of her.

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Day 28. It has been really hard for me yesterday and today. I think about her every minute! I'm considering to travel to her family in christmas and stay there for some days, is that a good idea? Her family likes me. She has just got an apartment and is living near her family. Can speaking to her family help her put her head together and have some sense?

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day 9 of nc


i think i'm getting better. heck, I wasnt even thinking about nc yesterday and I forgot to post my update. I finished a few projects which helped get her off my mind. Still the waking up and going to sleep alone thing sucks right now. I am concentrating on improving myself though and thats what I should be thinking about, not about her.

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Day 3


No big changes. I'm still trying to put her out of my mind more and more, but it has been difficult.


I've been reading a lot more, exercising, and really trying to better myself from the inside out. I know that this whole experience will pay off in the end, no matter what happens.



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This NC business is killing me, and it worries me that i'm currently that needy!! Background is that my ex and I spent everynight together during her final year of uni until the summer hols past where she went travelling and then she now lives about an hour away from me at uni. anyway she had a great time away and is in a new way of life in her new job etc and for me it was like life continuing at uni without her, i had neglected my friends and she had become such a part of me that it must be so much easier for her in her new busy life than me in my current massively depressed one:sad: Basically our relationship for the past 4months was over phone and text. I think now that we're finished i find it hard not getting texts and contact, i feel really alone, family live 500miles away, all my friends are in relationships. She was sending loads of needy texts and we've had to see each other a few times as we have the same friends at social events but we haven't contacted each other in about 5 days, we didn't talk about it, it just happened, however its killing me. I know if there is any chance of getting he back i can't conteact her and she needs to work things out in her head but its such a crap period in my life(i think this is mainly because she was my first serious girl)

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Day 6


I think it's safe to say I'm in some kind of bitter phase. I don't like it. I'm not by nature an angry person, and this is all so very foreign to me. It just drives me nuts thinking that she's just moving on with her life as if nothing every happened while I struggle mightily to just get through each day. I sincerely want her to be happy in the long run, no matter what happens, but it would have been nice to see a little remorse in the interim...

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Morning of day 7. Woohoo. I know I'll get through today without a hitch and I feel great about that. I've realised that this probably was for the best. The cloud of 'holy * * * * !' lifted a little while ago and has well and truly cleared and I'm feeling fantastic about life. I have moments where I miss him terribly and I still love him but that's okay. He's not in my thoughts 100% of the time now anyway. I feel detached from him now. I feel like he has become part of my past.


The only bit that's troubling me at the moment is that I don't know whether he has gone back overseas for work or not - it's best that I don't know because then I would know if he's with her or not, but I'm putting that thought of my mind.


It's definitely getting easier. I spent the entire weekend with his mum at a seminar and still have to see her again tonight. It wasn't difficult at all. She's a great lady and we get along really well so I'm able to separate her from the situation. I had someone ask me out last night and I totally froze! I wasn't interested in him but just the prospect that I could say yes if I wanted to was so new and overwhelming after using the old "I have a boyfriend" line for so long!

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day 10 of nc


She replied to a post in my livejournal, saying the she was proud of me keeping busy but she cant help but think that I am doing certain things just to prove her wrong. I'm not going to reply to her comment, I have nothing to say to her. She is putting out the bait and I'm not going to take it. She isn't there for me. I'm not going to be there for her and take every nibble that she gives me. I sincerely hope that I can forget her and move on with my life as soon as possible.

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Day 4


I finished the book Tuesdays with Morrie last night, and I broke down and cried towards the end when Morrie and Mitch were saying their final good-bye's and I love you's (Morrie was dying of ALS - Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is a fatal neuromuscular disease). It was the first time I've cried over her, where it was truly over the loss and not just a reaction based on the fear of losing her.


One of my favorite quotes from the book;


"Turn on the faucet. Wash yourself with the emotion. It won't hurt you. It will only help. If you let the fear inside, if you pull it on like a familiar shirt, then you can say to yourself, 'All right, it's just fear, I don't have to let it control me. I see it for what it is.'" -Mitch Albom


I realized that I do love this girl, but she let me go to pursue "feelings" with another guy after we both took each other for granted... So I have to do the same. I have to move on.



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Day 2 of NC again.


Thinking about her at work a bit. Thinking of what she said.. her new bf etc.


I'm thinking of regimenting myself to do conplete NC and see what happens and see how she responds. Hopefully a couple of prospect girls I can start going out with.

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Today is day 8 and as 5pm rolls around it will mark 4 weeks since the breakup.


I've been having a poo day at work today, and I actually thought about him today in a way I haven't for some time and have started to miss him again. I got teary for the first time in a week. Blah. I'm still feeling great though, I'm choosing not to let this get me down. I think I'm dealing really well.

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