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How was your New Year's Eve?

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Hey, I'm just curious to hear how everybody's New Year's Eves went, because I know a lot of people have been discussing how nervous/depressed they were going to be. I hope things turned out okay for everybody.


My night started out excellent. I drank some champagne with my friends and was having a good time, not thinking about my ex much at all. We headed to a party shortly before midnight.


At the party, everybody started asking me where my boyfriend was. I had to tell half a dozen people last night that we had broken up. It was incredibly painful. One of my friends hugged me and said "It'll get better ... hey, it only took me nine months." Great news, since we've been broken up for a week and a half, right?


Shortly after midnight, my best friend was making phone calls to her friends. At one point, I asked "Who ya calling now?" She said my ex's name.


I should have stopped her, but she's one of our close mutual friends and I met him through her, so I didn't want to make her "choose sides" or anything. They talked briefly and she said that she and I wanted to wish him a happy new year. I was pissed at her for bringing me up, so I yelled "NO I DON'T!" (I was also drunk). Apparently he heard me in the background and said "Well, I wish EVERYBODY a happy new year."


I wish she wouldn't have called him. I didn't even have the urge to contact him once last night! I'm really upset by it now - I don't want him to think that I hate him or that I told my best friend to call him. I just wanted to move on. I feel so dumb ... I feel like I broke NC, but it was really my best friend! I want to call him and apologize for yelling "No I don't," but that would probably make things worse, right?


Later on I heard that he was at his ex's house (the girl he dated before me) for New Year's Eve. That didn't help either.


So I had a bad night, in the end How were all of you?

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My New year's eve sucked. I left the singles party at 8:30 as I felt so out-of-place and demoralized. I recently found out my ex, who left me six months ago has been involved with a guy for at least a few months. It blows me away that after 5.5 years with me, she could move so quickly into a new relationship. It is very suspicious.


This latest news made it hard for me to enjoy myself last night. But the good news is that it is a new year with hopes and drams for a better life and that maybe I'll meet someone who is more honest and real than my last gf was, becuase she was not real and she certainly was not honest and I am very real and honest, so I deserve a better mate.


It's time for me to get rid of the obsession about her and grieve the loss responsibly and continue working on making me a better person, so I will attract the woman that is meant to be with me.


It sounds like your New Yea's was also emotional, but maybe you can take a new approach for the new year, let the ex go, have NC indefinitely and see what lies ahead for you. No one knows what will happen ,but my experiences are whenever I have lost a love or a job or something that I thought could never be replaced, every single time in my life, I have eventually had something better come around and I realized the loss was essential and necessary to allow for the new and better to be received.


Have a happy new year and be excited about the prospects for getting something better, whether it be a better relationship with your ex or a new man that makes your ex look like he was standing still!

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My whole vacation sucked, including New Years eve> He'res the short story. I got really drunk - drank a whole bottle of wine and some coolers. Ouch. That hit me hard. I was at my friends house. They were all networked playing some stupid computer game. I felt lonely. I was really bummed out about not having a bf now.


When I got drunk I layed down on the floor in the bathroom because I felt safe there. This was after midnight. My friends boyfriend came in to check on me and started hitting on me. I pushed him away. But then I got freaked out i drank so much i called him back and said i need to go to the hospital. They told me i would be fine but he stayed in there with me and talk to me to try to calm me down. My best friend got really jealous and is now mad at me - EVEN THOUGH I DID NOTHING WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I passed out on the couch and woke up at 5:00 AM - they were still watching TV but were heading to bed. I started recieving text messages from a friend back home and then he asked me to call him so i did. WE now have a date on Friday. Well we are just going to go hang out, its not actually a date. But I'm happy because after the hell i've been through i am actually looking forward to seeing someone who doesn't hate me.

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Mines was ok! I went out with friends and I had a good time! It got my mind off of my ex for awhile.Just knowing the fact that I do have friends that care about me and having a good time made me really think.I mean I could have been home alone sulking but I understand that things happen for a reason and maybe my ex and I were never meant to be. There were a few times where I wondered what he was doing and if he was thinking about me and it got me a little sad but I tried to not let it get to me. There's no turning back and "WE ALL" must look forward to the future. A NEW YEAR!


I take the countdown last night as a new beginning. My ex and I are finished and I haven't talked to him since November. I still think about him alot and maybe in time, the memories and the feelings will fade. It gets so hard sometimes but I must focus on myself now. Today I find myself thinking about him but I try to think about all of the new exciting things this new year can bring.I find it when you start thinking about your goals and what you want to do, it sorta keeps your mind off of your ex.I plan on excersing more, just improving myself and to not get so attached to a man!! Like I did with my ex.

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Mine was pretty crappy, not too bad.

I didn't think of him all night until it was almost midnight. Then I really wanted to call him but my jacket (along with my cellphone) was in the master bedroom and the host locked it. i ended up trying to call him around 1;30 but oddly enough, i couldnt remember his number........ so i couldn't reach him.

i guess it was for the best. i was at a party with full of strangers with a friend of mine. yeah, i flirted a little with this cute guy for a good portion of the night and he ended up kissing me at midnight.


Not too eventful. Oh well.

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Mine was OK. Had dinner with my best friend and her boyfriend and went to a party with acquaintances of their's that I know but only a little and they never met my ex so there was no talk of him or any common stories or anything to upset me.


I talked to one guy for a while who seemed really nice (turns out he is married, dirtbag) and another one who I have no interest it but it was good to get out there and meet people and have conversations with strangers. Will be good when I am ready to date again.

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Mine was alright...I'm a musician, so I almost always end up playing the piano for some rich guy's party on new year's eve. Last night, however, I was with my friends and it was my first time watching the ball drop. Then we got drunk, played pool, and passed out.

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SUUUUCKED, hardcore.


My ex and I tried doing the just friends deal, but I couldn't cope. I broke down sobbing on the phone with her a few days ago, made a complete drama queen out of myself, then called for NC so I could take some time to get over her. I was originally supposed to call her last night, but that would be breaking NC, so I couldn't. I also couldn't drink, because I was afraid if I did, I'd start to think it was a good idea to call her up. Lonely, sober New Years Eve. Here's hoping 2007 decides to suck a little bit less.

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Mine was alright, pretty laid back. I was trying really hard to forget about last year's nye and the days following with my ex (so many happy memories, ugh). I stayed home with my favorite ice cream and a funny movie in my pajamas. It really did keep my mind off things, and I watched the ball drop and Boy Meets World!

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