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My bf of almost 6 years and I are breaking up and he is moving out. It is one of the most difficult thing I've ever felt. I feel in my heart that the relationship is over, but it is still so sad to think that he's never gonna be part of my life in the same way again. I'm grieving his loss, and the loss of his family. I'm from another country and my family is not here with me, so I felt as though his family was my family. I wrote them an email for closure, and it saddens me that I'll probably never speak or see them again.


I still love him very much, but I know that this is the best decision for us. He and I have different lifestyles and while I’m thinking about a future partnership that includes marriage and children, he still has doubts. We both understood why we should break up, but the final decision was his. I felt that we could work things out, especially because it was so sudden and it really caught me by surprise. We had problems with the differences of choices in our lives, but I see so many couples that have different lifestyles and because they love each other, they work things out.


Anyways, I’m just trying to vent a little. There are times that I feel rational about the whole thing and understand that it is the best option for us. However, some other times I’m so overwhelmed with emotions that I feel this pain is gonna last forever. I’m trying to avoid contact with him at all times, but we still need to do some arrangements for him to move out. I don’t want to watch him leave. It’ll be way too painful.


I really hope this gets better.


Thanks for reading.


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Priscilla: Breaking up is never easy. I was with someone for 8 years when I realized it was going nowhere. The hardest part was the silence and the emptyness you feel. I wanted to get married, he did not. So, we split. I still believe in "If you love something,Set it free...If it comes back, it's yours,

If it doesn't, it never was yours....

It was the hardest thing I have ever done. However, 5 years later, I am married, and living the life I wanted. He is still unmarried, and the exact same.

I wish you the best, and am glad you posted, it helps to write, maybe also keep a journal. Keep us posted, I want to know how it goes. All the best,

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