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Make it stop!

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Ugh, all the annoying reminders are really starting to drive me nuts. I just want to forget him! I can't very well walk around all day with my eyes closed and my fingers in my ears, but sometimes I sure feel like doing so.


I leave my house and I swear, ever other car I see on the road is the same make and model as his. I turn on the TV, and even with my 500+ channels, I can't seem to find a single one that's not mocking me by playing some flick we once watched together. I don't EVEN dare listening to the radio, but wouldn't you know that yesterday my ipod mini decided to flake out, not allowing me to use the menu button, and is now i-stuck on a playlist full of songs and artists that he introduced me to. ARGH! Make it stop!


Today my friend D asked me to go to a comedy show with him next weekend b/c his girl flaked on him, and even though I'd never heard of the comedian I told him I'd go. So I googled the comic and of course! it's the ex's favorite comedian. I wouldn't have remembered the name in a billion years, but when I saw his most famous skit it made me sink into my seat. I'm laughing as I type this, and shaking my fists at the sky. I think God hates me.

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It happens to me all the time. In November I took a vacation in China, and I was seeing and hearing things even there that kept reminding me of my ex. Are the dreams getting to you?

Thanks Beec!

RR - I guess it's true what they say, you're problems will follow you wherever you go. *sigh* I hope you found some peace when you went to China! I have dreams, but I wouldn't say they've gotten to me yet. Sleep seems to be the only place I can get away from it all. It's weird, he's there in the dreams, but it's never him per se. The scenarios imply it's him, but it's never his face and a lot of the time it's not even me involved in the dream, it's someone else. Where's Freud when you need him?

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This is quite a common phase in recovery from a break up. Because you are so overwhelmed with your feelings and pain, everything seems to be designed to remind you of the ex. I can assure you, this will PASS eventually. It will become less, in time.


I have experienced that even new places would still somehow remind me of the ex. So in fact, a change of place didn't really help there. It is just one of these things that need just time.


Take care of yourself. God doesn't hate you and your life is not worth less now that you are single again.



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It's perfectly normal. I went through the SAME exact thing two months ago when I broke up with my ex. Everywhere I go I saw things that reminded me of my ex and it would make my eyes water. But trust me, it goes away with time. I'm starting to think about him less and less as time went by. Just try to keep yourself busy and focus on other things that make you happy. Good luck!

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i had the love of my life leave me 6 months ago. All summer long i was thinking about him, no matter what guy i was with, or no matter what my friends did to make me try and get over it, everywhere i went there he was too. So to re-write the memories and make things better i decided to well re-live the things we did not all but enough to re-write him out of my everyday life. So i went to our first movie we watched together with a friend and had a better time then i thought. I went to our favorite resturant with a bunch of friends, and had something that he hated and i actually liked it. Went to the park and laid under the stars with my new bf, and didn't think about him that night. That is what worked for me, re-writing memories to make it easier and then let him go at the same time, cause history repeats itself but it doesn't have to end up the same way everytime. But that is just a thought.


In time he won't be everywhere anymore. good luck.

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