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I Need Opinions...please

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Hi All,


I am 26 (27 in June)....Is there anything wrong with dating a 19 yr old (20 in July)??? I always said I wouldn't date that young....but, there is something about this girl. The age thing is always in the back of my mind...her longest relationship has been 2 weeks, where mine has been 5 yrs. It just seems like a set up for disaster in the long run, as don't most girls hit an age where they want to be single and party?? Insight would be much appreciated! Thanks!

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Hey Heartbroken -


I don't think it's really the number thing so much in THIS case. I mean, she's prefectly legal and a seven year difference in your 20s sure doesn't seem like that big of a deal to me. BUT (yep, here it is) the maturity difference, as you eluded to, may be quite significant at this stage, for both of you.


You're nearing 30 (sorry) and are, or likely will, be ready to settle down soon. She, like you said, is just breaking free of so many things and may want to get a little bit wild and sew some oats.


I think if you go into anything with her, keep it light, at least at first. Be up ofr anything and just have fun.


No expectaions, that's my advice....

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I don't think there's anything wrong with that. But like you said, if I were you I'd be concerned with her because of her age. Is she mature for her age? I think that makes a big difference. People in their early 20's have a total different mentality than the people in their late 20's, you just wanna make sure that she's on the same page as you regarding the future of this relationship. I know if I were still in my early 20's I would probably not want to settle down yet.

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Both my best friends are 26 and one is dating a 19 year old, the other an 18 yr old. My ex was 18 also, mine lasted a year, thiers almost the same. It can happen but the maturity level is a big problem, give it a try and enjoy the experience, love comes in all forms and as long as she is 18 and wants to be with you then go right ahead.

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Its not WRONG... but in my opinion.. I think it is definitely a bit odd... I look for more in a relationship that I want to last rather than just chemistry or attraction... and I don't see how dating a teenager could offer anything to a relationship..


I remember when I was 18 I met a 23 year old but I turned him down because I thought. yuck...tooo old!!


Age does matter... sure the initial sparkly bowl of cherries feeling may be there right now.. but it won't always.. and then what will the relationship be based on?

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Yeah, its definitely a non-starter. The difference in maturuty is too big in this case. While your mind is probably set on long term plans such as marriage, all she is likely to be thinking about right now is having fun. While you might enjoy the physical aspect of the relationship, there should be more to a relationship than just the sack.

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You're nearing 30 (sorry) and are, or likely will, be ready to settle down soon. She, like you said, is just breaking free of so many things and may want to get a little bit wild and sew some oats.


I think if you go into anything with her, keep it light, at least at first. Be up ofr anything and just have fun.


No expectaions, that's my advice....


Agree with AwdreeHepburn.

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I think it's best if you get to know each other first.. who knows she may be a very mature girl for her age but you won't know that till you know her! Also, it is known that females mature faster than males (no offence!!) so in that respect age is nothing- look at Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes they're doing great!

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