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My G/f Wrote Her First Name In A Notebook With Her Ex's Last Name Next To It!!??


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Okay, so I have been with this girl for over a year now off and on. We have had some rough spots, but these last couple of months have been really good. Well, we broke up for almost 2 months back in August, and she started seeing someone else. They didn't last long, but this guy keeps calling her anonymously and is kind of a stalker. Well, I have had a hard time trusting my g/f for some time now, which I know makes for a bad relationship. She is known to lie alot. Anyways, I saw a piece of paper folded up on her coffee table. She was in the shower, and so I snooped and opened up the piece of paper. On it was a receipt for paying her rent from December 10th. Well, she must have been bored or something, because there were notes and such on it. And twice on there was HER NAME, her middle name, and her Ex's last name. And then I saw she scratched it out. But I am furious and really sad about this. I am going over there tonite, and I just want to end it I think. How should I handle this? What should I do? Anyone, please help me with this cheating idiot.

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If you want to break up with her over this then that is what you should do but if you are just going to end up going back to her later on down the line then there is no point in breaking up with her just because you are upset. I dont know why she did what she did but if you makes you that upset and you believe that something is going to happen as a result of what she did then break up with her and NEVER go back.

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Us girls do silly things like that, it doesnt mean anything though! she probably has done the same thing with your name too, just so happens you didnt find that piece of paper. If your analizing here why she did it etc, bear in mind that she crossed it out. This isnt real proof that she's cheating on you.


However, if you say you dont trust her, thats not good, trust is one of the main foundations in a relationship. No point carrying on in a relationship full of doubts. Tell her what you saw and ask her how she feels about this guy.

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If you ask me, starting a relationship with someone you don't trust from the beginning is a very bad idea, as it will most likely end up with one or both of you getting hurt down the road.


She knew that going back to you (which I don't get the reason as to why you accepted) would mean earning back your trust. Doing so by clearly having the ex-boyfriend on her mind, writing down "Mrs. Ex-boyfriend" on a piece of paper isn't the best idea you could clearly say.


Either she's dumb, evil, a liar, a cheater, about to break up with you, or a combination of some/all. I don't know all her good sides though and if those could possibly even this out, so it's really up to you to decide.


I fully agree with you breaking up with her, however I also think that you shouldn't do so solely based on that piece of paper, and that you definitely shouldn't say something along the lines of: "You wrote Mrs. Jerk on a paper. I'm leaving you. Bye bye!".


Even though you may not owe her or she might not deserve one, you should give her a good and clear reason as to why you are breaking up with her (that is - if that is what you will decide).



Good luck!



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