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Looking at girls and other things He shouldn't be looking at.

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its not just a guy... lots of girls like to look at porn and masterbate as well.. I've done it


If I've said to a guy Iv'e been with ..


"Hey Mr. boyfriend... I sure love looking at porn and masterbating".... its been nothing but a turn-on for them.


why not the other way round?


When I'm with a guy, it really turns me on to watch him masterbate... even if he gets some porn to do it... hot!

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I don't see porn as cheating at all... it is just a different dimension to the relationship


I don't think you will find a guy who never looks at porn or other girls... and even if he does... as if he's going to admit it to his girlfriend who says things like "We-are-though-ifyou-ever-look-at-porn-again"


i know a girl who says she will dump her boyfriend if he looks at porn.. I've told her she is being a real B and incredibly child-like and insecure.. she even said "I only want him to think of ME, look at ME.. only ME ME ME"


i think its incredibly insecure and egocentric of her.


i'm insecure but definitely not egocentric. i, however, would prefer that the only naked body my s/o looks at is mine. is it wrong to be in a committed relationship where you don't pay attention to other naked girls?


i do agree with you though on

as if he's going to admit it to his girlfriend who says things like "We-are-though-ifyou-ever-look-at-porn-again"


I don't see porn as cheating at all... it is just a different dimension to the relationship


i think porn is cheating when you go behind your s/o's back. you are becoming visually stimulated by another person and you are trying to imitate a sexual act that should be between two partners. i especially think its offensive if your partner has self image issues. and if your s/o isn't okay with you masturbating to porn? well, the satisfaction you receive from looking at another naked girl behind the back of person you " love" is not only selfish but harmful to a relationship.


i think that porn can be used without detriment to a relationship only if both partners are comfortable with it. you are in this relationship because you love this person right? some couples enjoy looking at porn as foreplay and i see nothing wrong with that.


if your partner is not okay with it.. is it not emotionally/physically cheating?

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girls don't look at porn when they do it, and not all guys do either. you have something in your head though. this is the lamest subject i have read to date on this site. cheating has to do with a mental connection with somebody...not just a physical one. a lust or picture or movie while touching yourself, pffft, you need to experience life more if you think this is cheating. misstee, you are extremely young to be commenting on this. saying your man doesn't do this and better not, we have an understanding. geez. jealous much? a little overprotective? yeah. like a said before, checking out other women is one thing, but staring, mmmm, a bit much. only women that get mad at this have a lot of insecurities about themselves. when i'm with a girl, i could care less she watches porn or checks out guys. she is with me for a reason right. i'm sure your bfs sit there watching a movie with a sex scene (even with not much shown) and says wow, she is ugly, that is gross, turns away, etc. haha, highly unlikely. this has nothing to do with cheating. i bet you would also say that if you catch your bf talking to another chick, it's over, huh? i'm not trying to bash you, but i think you have some growing up to do.


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Not everyone feels the same on this issue. We all have different comfort levels and some of those feeling change as we go along in life.


It also sometimes makes a difference with who your partner is. One partner can do some of this, but the way they handle it makes it more tolerable...or acceptable.


I think the main issue here is....respect your partners feelings. Would you want them doing something that your not comfortable with? Maybe your the type of person who thinks getting a lap dance from another person is a deal breaker but your partner doesn't...would you tolerate them doing that?

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