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Wishing Ex a Merry Christmas???

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I know many of you are prolly in the same situation as me. My bf broke up with me around three weeks ago. I initiated NC and broke it a few times and now have gone 7 days NC and am hoping to continue it. But christmas is on monday and im wondering if i should send the ex a email or a message saying "merry christmas" or if i should continue with NC???

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lol, no just keep NC.



I made the mistake of giving my ex his christmas gift early so I dont have to see him on Christmas, but I'm willing to bet that he'll come by on christmas to give me my gift. gah. So yeah, keep NC. Days are so much longer on NC and you've already put so much effort into those 7 days. don't break it.

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I know many of you are prolly in the same situation as me. My bf broke up with me around three weeks ago. I initiated NC and broke it a few times and now have gone 7 days NC and am hoping to continue it. But christmas is on monday and im wondering if i should send the ex a email or a message saying "merry christmas" or if i should continue with NC???




i can totally understand sara. i am in the same position u are and totally confused on what to do..i gave him a present on tues when i went over to his house to pick up some of my stuff..my ex will be alone on christmas and working. i have decided to start NC since i have seen him..i just dont know what to do....help

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I echo Suzy...


I've been broken up with my ex for a little over a year. It's our second Christmas apart however.. last Christmas, we kinda had a messy one, and still slept with each other and stuff from time to time.



However, aside from my personal deal.. Me and my ex see each other once in a blue moon around town, or at my job.. I'm over, and moved on from it all..


We even went so far this Christmas, to have our company party, and her and I sat near each other, talked a little, played a game together, and hugged and wished each other a good holiday.



It can be done people. It's a matter of where you are in a relationship, and wether or not your doing it for the attention from you ex's.

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My ex and I have kept in contact for the past 3 weeks since the break up..but I think I feel better not hearing from him. And actually the last email he sent me was sorry for everything and merry xmas...blah blah blah..

But I am not responding this time, not even to say merry xmas. It's always been me waiting for his call or his email etc. I think I'll leave him in the dark this time...like he's done to me many times before!

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NC is very hard and tough thing to do. Everyone has gone breaking NC and start all over again. My bf and I broke up a lil over a month ago and was in contact on and off. It was so confusing and hard. Just few days ago I realize I should go NC for awhile. I was actually not contacting him for days. Today, he send me a message on AIM saying my watch came in finally ( it was something he bought before but never came in so he cancelled it but it came yesterday. Hes asking if he can bring it over and have lunch. He wants to see me before i leave the country. I gave in and I agreed. Im not planning on getting back and im sure he isnt too. so I told him let me know when he can come and meet up. I wont be able to talk to him for few weeks so my NC will start again and stick with it this time. I know its hard........i gave in and he gave in a lot....but we all need to be strong....i need to be strong.

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Im in a similar situation. But as someone going through it....my feeling is stay in NC, why open the doors for contact that may possibly be put through more pain (no response, false hope, you hear something you dont want to). If you feel like you can handle it then its up to you, but personally its all about preserving you and your happiness at this point.


I actually got really good advice from someone I talk to....wait and see if that person contacts you, if they do (or even if they dont) you can wait a few days and then say I hope you had a nice holiday! That way its on your own time and conditions.

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The holidays are just a cheap reason to try and bring some guilty sentiment to your ex's. Don't fall for them contacting you, nor you contacting them.. Sometimes it's just a ploy to conjure up some random feelings, and memories.


Everyone, regardless if you okay with your ex's or not, should avoid the holiday emotion sharing with the past. I'm fine with my ex, but I certainly hate seeing her, and talking to her during the holidays because it used to be a special time for us. Regardless of where I am in life, and how good I am, I can always be brought back to it.

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