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how do you flirt with a girl that is taken?

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If he has a gun theres no need to look you in the eye....or lay a finger on you.


You said yourself he does a lot of stupid crap, I wouldn't trust him, you dont know what he is capable of if he were high and pissed off.


Theres no harm in telling her you find her attractive and would date her if she were single, but I would leave it at that...

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I have to say that I think that it is completely inappropriate, immature, and selfish to try to interfere in any way, shape, or form with someone who is already in a relationship, no matter what your opinion of it is. You do not know all sides of the story and all of the people involved and only have your wants and needs in mind (no matter how you try to justify it). It is an immoral move to mess with someone already in a relationship.


Plus, even if you did woo her, wouldn't you always be afraid that she might do the same with you if she strayed so easily due to another man's comments??? I wouldn't want to start a relationship that way. I think it's better to just MYOB and what's meant to happen will be.


Or.....try to put yourself in the boyfriend's shoes and how would you feel if someone were trying to do what you are?


Just my 2 cents worth!

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Every relationship is different, and the X perience people gain from each encounter is also different. Many people say, don't talk to the other person if they are not avilable.. This is true because the success rate would be dramatically lower than if the other is single...


At the same time, you have a better knowledge of the other persons relationsihp that the online community. If you think there is a chance that she will let go of her relationship, and move on, than take the green light and go for it .. Otherwise take the yellow light and go slow ..


If they are a commited couple and you are trying to get in between them, than that would just make you look >>>> ...


i totally support u ,,, do what is right,,,, but just preprare yourself for rejection, and to be able to move on again ....

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I know I'm going against the popular advice here, but I say go for it. What can you lose? If she's really happy in her relationship she'll tell you, sorry, I have a boyfriend. But as you said, she's young, and may not know what she wants right now. It's not like you're interfering with a marriage or engagement or anything. Don't hassle her or try to convince her or anything, just put yourself out there. If she rejects you, she rejects you, but at least you tried. The only thing I would be afraid of is her boyfriend getting p*ssed off.

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Say a throw away comment like "Damn, it's a shame you've got a BF, I really fancy you" or "Let me know if you're ever single as would love to take you out sometime"( in your own words of course) then walk away.


Other than that, there is NOTHING you can do without interferring in her life and relationship. If you go further that that, you jeopardise even being friends with her.


I think this is your all in hand.

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It's not a good idea to seduce women that are already taken. A lot of guys don't have a problem acting violent toward someone who tries to steal their girlfriend. However, I think that I should inform you that there are guys who are good at seducing women who already have boyfriends. I will tell you what their strategy is right now.


Pouring out your feelings toward a girl who already has a boyfriend isn't that good a strategy. If she doesn't feel the same way, she will reject you and she might even end the friendship. To prevent this from happening, a lot of guys will try a different strategy of flirting. Instead of pouring out your feelings, you are supposed to attract a girl indirectly.


When you are indirectly flirting with a girl, you are supposed to show interest in a girl through being playful, intriguing, and touchy-feeling rather than telling her how much you like her. A lot of guys call indirect flirting, "indirect game". Done correctly, the girl will become attracted to your personality even though she doesn't know that you are hitting on her. Once she is attracted to your personality, than you are in positon to seduce the girl who already is taken.


With all that said, it's not a good idea to seduce women who are already taken. However indirect game can be useful toward attracting women who are single. You should google "indirect game" if you're interested in what I talked about.

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My ex brokeup with me because of some cheating guy flirting with her. It's both their faults. So now we have 2 lying cheating people together.


I can tell you, you do NOT want this happening to your girlfriend, so why do it?


There is absolutely no reason why you should be persuing a person that is UNAVAILABLE.


It's crossing the fine line in relationships. Plus, you are totally selfish for thinking that way. She can make her own decisions, and frankly she doesn't see a reason to leave her boy. You can't judge people like that by calling him a moron or the like. He must have qualities that she likes, and you hate.


Move on.


Also, that losing 3 kids post was very scary. I wouldn't want to be with someone who thought like that.

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I know of a girl who started dating a married man, the man eventually broke up with his wife to be with the girl. Only now both of them are ultra insecure and can't trust the other. So maybe it'd be better to wait, NC her if you don't want to be "friendzoned" because even if you did succeed, how safe would you feel?

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i didn't make it clear that he's a small time drug dealing jerk and he's been known to cheat on his former partners, but this girl for some reason thinks she can 'tame' this bad boy. *sigh, young girls...


i guess ill take all this advice, and just back off.



Good call.


You should back off, because if she's one who thinks she can tame him, then that's a lesson she'll sadly have to learn on her own. We only, and truly, learn through trial and error.


At first, I somewhat understood what you said about her "not knowing much" and it'd be sad to see her come to her senses years later; however, if she does know about being with a drug dealer, and wants to stay, then that's a girl you're better off not wanting to get involved with in the first place! Let her go. Not only for her, but yourself, as well.


It also shows that she really does care for him, if she's willing to risk it and stay with him, while attempting to 'tame' him. Thus, it'd be better you not try and separate her from the one she cares about. It'll look very selfish of you to do so, as well, even if you think she'd be better off with you.

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hmm..being a girl i would definitely say that even tho i am with the guy i love and want to spend the rest of my life with.. i dont mind guys telling me that they're interested. it makes me feel good about myself when a guy can tell you he finds you attractive but it crosses then line when they go further than that. going any further than that is a total turnoff and can cause girls to avoid you or risk losing their relationship. theres this guy at school who used to be my friend and he told me he liked me and did some other stuff i really didnt like. ofcouse i told my boyfriend and he didnt like it one bit. he wants me to deal with it on my own because im kind of a pushover and he wants me to be able to tell other guys im with him and to quit messing with me...but some guys dont take the hint..or are soo obsessed with trying to get girls to like them that they cant quit..and eventually the boyfriend steps in. thats something you dont want. so honestly..i would say let her know ur interested..but then back off. if she likes you..she'll come to you.

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