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I'm not sure if religious posts are allowed, so please forgive me if they are not. okay, so I was recently surfing the net, looking for stuff to put on my myspace, when I ran into some quotes about love, after looking at a few, I read one by St. John Of The Cross saying:

"And I saw a river over which every soul must pass to reach the kingdom of heaven and the name of that river was "suffering". And then I saw a boat which carries souls accross the river and the name of that boat was "love.""


And I was truly moved. I got the feeling that I was on to something big. I found more religious quotes and I kept feeling moved. I finally got to a page where there were quotes by Jesus and after reading a few I realized there was something on my face, I reached up and touched my face and realized that I was crying. I had been literally moved to tears by the words of Christ. Now I have never been a particularly religious person. Never put much thought into it until now but now I wonder, Is God trying to tell me that it has come time for me to accept Him and His Son into my life?

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BigSurge, this is nothing wrong with that, Jesus was a grate teacher and he came at a time of grate turmule not preaching war and hate like some many others but one of intraspeation and love. I am not a christian but I know that words have power when they reach you like that.


I would say if there are any christians who could PM BigSurge that may leed him to talk more freely about how his feeling.


all the best.

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*spug, your the greatest...I just had to say that*


If your feeling a 'tug' at your heart to accept him as Christ your savior....then I think it's your calling. Feel free to pm me if you would like to talk more.


I've never known love from any person like I've felt from the big guy. He rocks in my books....

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Big Surge,


Has this been something you have been considering for a long time?


I personally wonder why the leap must be made from enjoying teachings and words, to 'accepting god and the son into your life'?


Only pointing out that it is quite a leap. One does not necessitate the other.


As a person who does not affiliate myself as a christian, I can still enjoy and see the value in your experience.


thoughts is all. We each have our own choices to make. Good luck with yours.

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I made the monumental decision to accept Christ as my personal savior. I was confused about it until I looked at the television which I could have sworn was off only a few minutes before. On it was a televangelist named Joel Osmend on (he's the nice one who talks about why we should love each other rather than why we should hate so-and-so) he looked straight into the camera and said "If you're not sure about becoming a christian, it's not hard. All you have to do is sit down and say in a prayer 'I accept you Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour and I repent my sins' then all you have to do is join a good bible based church, and your life as a child of God begins." So I did it, and a huge weight was lifted from me. I feel so much better now, and I don't expect to change too much but I am starting to see things in a different light. Thank you for all your posts. God Bless you all.

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If that makes you happy then thats obviously the way forward! I know some people though that are obsessed by religion and i think thats when it gets dangeous, as long as you can have time for God and time for other people in your life i think that is a very healthy balance. Accepting other people who are atheist as well is something you will probably have to deal with, i have a friend who was quite rude about my beliefs and i know i was probably quite rude back to her, but in the end i said well its just my opinion, it doesnt have to be her opinion too. Accepting other peoples beliefs is one thing i think God helps me with, I think everyone has their own personal ideal of God and Jesus and i encourage that completely i like the way you said your "personal saviour", doesn't that make you feel he is always with you? Which He more than likely is, i know myself i can feel him and probably other can too but i do love the word "personal" it makes religion more accessible. I think you can believe in whatever you want, i don't believe one person should be "told" to believe in this and that. If you want to believe in more than one god .. then good on you.. if you believe Jesus is someone other than what it says he is in the bible then good on you still! Religion is something personal and will be different for each person.


I agree going to church really does make a person feel cleansed, i love going. I dont go all the time, at the most i will go a couple of times a year but i think this makes it more special. This time of Year especially is the best time of year to join a Church, Christmas, the Carols the atmosphere.


Good luck with your newfound Spiritual life

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Congratulations and thankyou for sharing, your story has inspired me.

The Lord Jesus has chosen you and now you can know the love of your soul

in a way no human being can compare.

I am so happy for you.

I came to know the Lord in 1998 and left behind a gothic scene.

Just remember, always go to the Lord first and he will use people and signs to reinforce His will the way he led you too him.

Often people can get swept up into the church and take everything the pastor says as the last word.

Sure these guys can have some wisdom and it can be a great place to make some new friends, but being a true disciple of Christ is a one on one relationship with Our Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit

which you have because your heart is open to hear from Him and answer His calls.

Pm me if you have any queries about Christianity as I love to encourage people and see them live in the fullness of what God has for their life.

Quite times in prayer alone in His peace and love can be so rewarding. He takes everything away and makes us new. His miracles can happen when you are alone in your room, you don't need the church to do this for you Jesus healing power is so powerful, and He forgives ALL sins.

God Bless You always.

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