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Does texting effect relationships?

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I feel like with my ex, texting enhanced our relationship...A lot of cute messages appeared on my cell phone, that's for sure. There were two periods when our phones weren't working, and both of us really missed having that form of communication because we couldn't send each other little reminders throughout the day. Then again, we only used it for cute things, or else when we just had to say something and couldn't wait for a phone call...


That, and I'm a spelling Nazi, so I'd never use any weird abbreviations or anything, which made the messages easy to understand. I'm probably the only person who uses proper capitalization and punctuation in her texts...

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if u are in a situation where the only communication being done is through text messaging - red flag time. and one lesson learned, never talk about important issues over text - things get messed - talk face to face about that stuff. use text in ways that will not get confused. i actually hate emailing now [and can't wait for the next time i just sit and blab with my sweetie]


people take that for granted - don't! trust me.

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It’s much more personal to Speak to someone rather than text. It should not be used as a substitute for speech, use it for things like "Meet you at the Cinema in 15 min" not to have a conversation.


Also texts often get misinterpreted. For example I text my girlfriend once saying something (can't remember what) and I was being kind, and she took it as an insult just because she could not understand the context it was used, and certain emphasis needed on different words.


So in cases like that yes it can ruin a relationship, it can make you grow distant through lack of quality conversation and may offend others even if not intended.


Ohh and as for dumping someone but text, that is LOW.

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I'm probably the only person who uses proper capitalization and punctuation in her texts...


Nope, I prefer to use proper grammar and spelling as well.


I also agree with your point that if texting is used just to send cute messages to each other, it can be nice to have. I think the problems arise when texting becomes a substitute for speaking in person or on the phone regarding more serious issues.

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I like getting txts at work when I can't answer my cell phone. It sends a little smile to my face and helps me get through the day At the same time I used to have bfs/friends that would only txt and nothing else. It was annoying. It shouldn't be a substitute for talking on the phone or meeting up for coffee.

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Texting has recently just affected my relationship. I sent a msg to my girlfriend that was ment for someone else. She wouldnt come with me to be social with friends so i typed a msg for my mate saying that she wouldnt come, but i also added that there was drama about it (again, coz there always is when i ask her to come out with friends). Accidently sent it to her. Big mistake.


I guess thats slightly differnt to what the topic is on here, but its related. If i had of called my friend i wouldnt be in trouble.

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Gotta go on a little rant here.


I have often thought about cell phones and how they take us to a different level in life.


Of course there are advantages to having a cell phone. I have one. Always have it with me.


But the extreme that we all use them so much. Remember the days that if we were upset about something, we'd get in the car and drive home and have time to think. Now, people can get in the car and immediately call the other person rather than having a cool off period.


I just think that the ability to constantly communicate via cell phone and text messaging is unhealthy. JMO... And I do talk on my phone too much. But I've been taking more time "not" answering my phone calls and thinking rather than talking.

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  • 9 months later...

One thing that upsets me is when i send things like 'hi gorgeous. How's your day?' and all I get back is a cold answer like 'it's ok.' My man used to always send me nice messages and sexy ones. Now...hardly ever. Sometimes I'll send ones about about how i want to jump his bones when he gets home...and I'll get no reply. So yeah, texting can be bad.

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When my ex & I first started dating, we texted each other constantly throughout the day.. always very warm & fuzzy, thinking of you type stuff. It eventually tapered off, but I saved 10 or so of the really good ones on my phone and looked at them everytime I was having a bad day. That is, until we broke up.. then those suckers got deleted.

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