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I saw my X girlfriend last night. She came into a bar I was in and didn't even speak to me. She kept looking at me in a way that made me feel like she was laughing at me on the inside. A guy who I thought was a friend of mine and who knew about us went over and started talking to her. In no time she was walking out with him and his brother. I thought I could handle it much better than I did. I've heard she has been going with anybody she can find, and I did not know she was that kind of girl. I couldn't sleep at all last night. I wish I had never met her. I know she wants me to keep hurting. but she left me and I don't know why she is doing this to me. I went over to my friend while he was talking to her and asked him why he wanted to hang around her after he has said lots of bad stuff about her and the people running the bar came over and told me to get away from them or leave. I thought all these people were my friends and to me what she was doing was causing trouble. I feel like I am never going to be the same person I was before her. I am having trouble talking to new people now. Everyone keeps telling me to move on and forget her like it is easy to do. I try to stay away from her and she wants to get around me like she did last night and rub it in. She hit on another friend of mine 2 weeks ago and he told her he was married. She said to him that if he didn't care then she didn't care. He wasn't interested and told me about it later. I feel like I fell in love with Trash. I don't know why I still let her hurt me, because I know I shouldn't care for her anymore. I just can't make myself forget the girl I thought she was for over 2 years. I feel like I am in a very bad dream and it wont end.

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Your acting pathetic. You know just as much as me and everyone here your stronger then that. How can you let HER mess with your heart like that?


You need to get a grip, and maybe even a serious reality check. Your spiraling into depression, WHY? Because you pity yourself, you want her to feel sorry for you and come back. Well it won't work.


Sometimes people can be so totally different, but that's not your problem is it? That's her problem.


She's totally trying to torture you, my question to you, is will you let her do that; or will you move on?


There's a girl out there for you, you just have to look.


Don't let her pass you by!!!

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I know I need to move on and face reality, but I haven't found a way to do it. I start thinking I am OK and then something happens to mess me up. I don't want her back because of all the bad things she has done to me, but I still wish it hadn't happened. I didn't know her as the person she is now. She is messing her own life up just to hurt me.

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Agree with the other posters. Don't take this BS.


If she wants to hurt herself, so be it. Stick up for yourself and get on with your life. The sweetest revenge is to just move on and be happy. If she wants to hurt herself in some strange effort to hurt you, so be it. She broke up with you. I don't know why she continues to torture you. It might be because she's been unhappy and now blames you even though she broke up with you.


In any case, if it is hard for you to move on, I would suggest hanging out in places where you won't come into regular contact with her and suggesting to your "friends" not to have contact with her or if they do, not to talk to you about her. I have a feeling you will find out who your real friends are.


Best of luck.

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I just read your other posts and I think you are a good guy who tried to help out somebody. Good people tend to want to try and "rescue" those in need. However, if there is one thing I've learned, it's that you can only help those who are willing to help themselves. Try it any other way and you will only doom yourself to heartache and frustration.

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I think you did a good job of seeing what kind of person I am. That is what hurts me now. I know how much I did for her, and then she does this to me. I just can't understand why. I don't never see understanding what happened, but I need to get in a position where she can't keep hurting me. I can see how she is now, but I can't forget how she seemed to be when we were happy. I really thought she was in love with me big time. She even told me she thought so too, but she said it must have been just lust. That almost made me sick.

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kbjinnc -


It is something that I've struggled with myself. I've been betrayed by a few people close to me, after I felt like I had done many good things for them. I know how you feel. It is extremely hard to understand and many emotions race through your head. You think, "What kind of person does this?"


The best thing for me to do is to just know that I am the good person. I had the best of intentions and maybe it didn't always come out perfectly, but I am a good person. However, some people have deeper problems and until they realize these things and are ready to help themselves, your effort only goes to waste.


Take care of yourself and don't worry about your ex so much. I know it's hard but she acts like somebody who doesn't understand herself or her problems.

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