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what is that saying supposed to mean??

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I really hate that saying (at least right now)

It's better to have loved and lost than to have never have loved at all something like that?


how is that supposed to mean? I do love being loved, but I really hate the heartbreak part, I know its supposed to be part of life, but stilll. ..


I am still feeling very betrayed after almost 3 months of being dumped... and his using my serious health condition as an excuse to get out of it at first then later he admitted he don't like the way I kissed... etc so it wasn't really my health condition but it was just very rude to use my serious health condition as an excuse.


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Sorry for how you feel, but I think the saying means that it is better to have known for yourself that certain feelings exist, that certain emotions and attachments can happen, that love is really for real, than to never have known ths such things are possible.


Hang in there. It gets better.

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I have ankylosing spondylitis.. chronic imflammamtion of the spine and sarciitic joints .... I was having a bad flare up the night before he dumped me.. and he used that as an excuse.. "Your crying out in pain brought back flashbacks from when I was being beaten as a kid and I don't want to experience that again" ... that is very lame butt excuse.. because if a person truly loved you, he would overlook it. He did comfort me that night when I was in alot of pain ... but still i feel so betrayed ... because he kept saying he loved me everyday .... etc... we were together 2 weeks so I guess he looked at this as an opporunity to get out and then two days later he admitted about my kissing! grrrrrrrrr Yes He knew about my health condition, I had told him about it when we met.

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Heartbreak hurts, but I sure would not choose to live in avoidance of love just to avoid the heartbreak too. Love is what enriches our lives, be it with family, or with friends, or partners.


It was not until a late boyfriend of mine passed away I truly understood the staying, but even now I can fondly believe in it even for regular ex-heartbreaks.


Aside from that, those experiences are what make you whom you are, what gives you strength, and the values in your life.

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I think the saying works, but you can't see it at the time. I can relate it most closely to when someone you love dies - that the pain is terrible, but you wouldn't give up the pain if you had to give up the memories as well.


I'm sorry you're in pain right now - the reason he gave for breaking up sounds particularly heartless to me, and I can understand why you feel so awful right now.



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I don't agree with this saying.

I loved, I lost, it hurt like h*ll. How the heck is that better?

I think maybe thats just where I am right now in my life today..

Ignorance is bliss, now there is a saying for me!

Take good Care~



My guess is, ultimately, that we should learn from the experience and grow because of it and become stronger people because of it in the end. And one day (maybe) some of us will be able to look back at the good times without all the negative feelings and just take them for what they were.


Cold comfort that is right now, though, isn't it?



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Yes, the saying is trite.....but ultimately I think it's true.

Think about it........who doesn;t love the feeling of being in love?

The giddyness. The butterflies....the first kiss................oh but the despair

when it ends. That brings to mind another saying: When you fly high, you

crash and burn harder" I'm gonna become a Nun......

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