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he broke up with me 7 months ago...we're staying in friendly touch on the internet for the last 5 months


well today i sent him funny email about something that happened exactly a year ago, i said that probably he doesnt remember it, and i joked happy anniversary


he wrote back that actually he remembers cause he has all my messages in his cellphone...and he wrote back happy anniversary


i was in shock cause when he broke up with me i deleted all his messages, i thought that he did the same, especialy cause he started dating the other girl right away...it lasted 3 months though


why did he keep all those messages?

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some people keep it for memories..some are jus lazy and dont erase it....guys in particular are jus lazy to erase or delete or throw away stuff.... cus they might feel its memories of u guys shared..why throw away good memories away right?



but for girls,, we throw, erase, lol cus we want them out of our lives...cus its easy to move on right



thats the difference between girls n guys when it comes to these matters

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because he has a phone with lots of memory and is too lazy to delete? Don't think there is a deeper meaning behind it any other then that. Im also storing a bunch of things on my computer that once i stumble on it again think ,wow do i still have that? Don't become a victim of the paranoid, he probably kept them because he loved you.

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I've kept all of my emails from my Ex. Why? I'm not really sure.


I think it's because the relationship was something I wanted to get over, not to forget entirely.


Obviously I put something things out of the way so I wouldn't be reminded. The ol' out of sight out of mind mentality. Though things like emails, I can avoid seeing that I have that folder there if I really try. Even though I know it's there, it won't necessarily hurt me. Kind of like how I know I have all of her pictures stacked up somewhere in a box in my closet, but I'll never go looking for them.


I think I've kept all those emails for the future, for perhaps when we're friends to look back on.


I have a lot of good memories with this girl, and I had the time of my life with her. I don't plan on deleting those memories from my mind, because they helped shape who I am today. Now at least I have some old, good memories to fall back on if I ever need to in the distant future.

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i agree with all of you...i know he was probably too lazy to delete it...


but also the thing is that how come he remembers about what happened a year ago?...was he reading those messages lately or maybe today he went through houndreds of messages to read messages that were coming from that period of time...you know what i mean?


that's what is weird

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I've kept alot of the, what I consider, important messages on my cell from my ex-wife. Stuff like when she swore black & blue it was over, then when she started seeing a new guy & when she broke up with him, a birthday message & a couple of others. I'm not exactly sure why I keep them, some of them are 6 months old now. I will probably delete them one day. I guess they're like little reminders of how it used to be. And no I don't have stacks of memory on my phone.

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some people are sentimental or egotists who like keeping sexy/happy email to read when they feel like it (or are angry at their current girlfriend, gives them a sense of power and independence)...


so don't read too much into it, he could be lazy etc., but if nothing new is brewing between you, just take it as his own choice, doesn't mean your relaltionship is back on again, just ancient history...

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im not reading too much into it...im actually surprised that i took it so cool...i didnt reply anything to him


it boosted my ego for sure, but im really surprised that he found time to go through hundreds of messages to find the one that talked about what happened a year ago


i would expect my ex to write me something like: " oh really, that's funny lol"...not that he remembers cause he kept all my messages


anyway thanks for your outcome...

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