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I've been cutting for a very long time. But i stopped for a while things were good. But now even though things aren't "bad" as such i'm just under alot of pressure. My family is yelling at me for not eating. And my boy friend is trying to help me when i just won't let him. I don't know what to do but all the pain frustration and anger is back and i just want to pick up the blade again. I want to attack my skin. Please help me i don't want to do something i'll regret later!

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Please don't start

I know you don't know me but there are so many people who die from cutting.

I know how you feel and I know how hard it is, and i know you don't want to hear that, but it's the truth.

Get a councelor, it helps i swear.

I've been in a similar situation, and I know it's hard. But your self destructive self is going to take over and screw you up to a point thats irreverable. Death.

Live life to the fullest.







If you have to start doing something, then use the rubberband theory. It helps

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I've tried so hard though. I don't want to disappoint anyone but i don't see another way out. I have a counsillor but i don't know when i'll next see her. Plus i can't tell her anything anyway. I want to make my boy and my family happy but i can't eat it takes so much out of me just to eat a piece of fruit. The doc said its making me sick skipping eals but i just can't help it.

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ok, so maybe your not the skinniest girl in the neibourhood, but man not eating makes you unhealthy, makes you get a low self-esteem, it just makes like worst, because the only thing you will end up thinking about it food.

Also, the faster you lose weight, the faster you will gain it.


Dear, please think about this. Don't starve yourself. Eat healthy stuff - it will make you feel better. I know its hard in the beggining, but once you start it's much easier, you'll feel better about yourself, and no more cutting!


Ive been in both those situations by the way, and i know its hard and not fun.

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I just want to be able to be proud of the way i look for once. I thought i'd lost weight over the years but even if i have it doesn't change the way i still look to this day. I used to be obese and i got so over it that i really tried and i lost what i thought was alot of weight but it wasn't enough... Then again lets face it, it'll never be enough. I want out of this vicious circle but i don't know how! I hate myself when i eat so i cut then starve myself then it goes around and around. And i want it all to stop. I just don't understand though. I've tried healthy eating, tried exercise, tried everything and it doesn't work! The only thing that makes me feel proud is going through a day without eating. Or throwing up whatever small amount of food i do consume. That makes me happy.... Even if it makes me sad to...

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It depends on your current weight but pick a goal weight one that you know you can make then eat healty and go for walks, do whatever you can to stay moveing for alittle while start in baby steps. Like eating half of a peanutbutter sandwitch putting the rest up for later then go for a walk. Eat small meals through out the day then do something after them to burn off the carbs that way you have energy to do what you need to do. Eating something as simple as a piece of bread can help you feel better without makeing you feel fat. Also talk to someone, anyone you trust about what your going through. Online friends are good for that. Just make sure it's someone that's not jugemental. Take care of yourself and you'll be feeling better soon.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 11 months later...

You cant do this to yourself. I use to, but i stopped.


Trust me, every cut makes your life worse and worse.


The deeper and deeper it goes.


And you cant starve yourself.


alot of people think im aneroxic because im just skinny. but you get bad looks, and you dont want that.


i know that was a year ago, but i happened to have come along your post and see if anything has changed.


but to everyone out there, if you havent experienced it, you dont know what its like, so dont try.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well its not really getting better. It is but its not. I have found myself and am happy to a point with who i am as a person. But not the way i look, or the lack of control in my life. I am still battling that. Food has been my outlet as well as self injury for such a long time now its just simply too hard to give up on both at the same time. I haven't cut in a while but i'm back to b/p or b/ starvation.


I just want to walk around the streets with my friends in a basic top and shorts and feel normal. Not like the fat person everyone choses to yell at. I try to help everyone else. I carry all their burdons. Slowly its just getting to me because i have no one i can trust to talk with about my own issues.


Thankyou for commenting even after a year. I'm never far from the forum. I just don't log in much anymore.

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