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the long goodbye

blackend heart

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a long goodbye i have to say

to all those who loved me

it not my fault who i am

blame that on the bullies


i never wanted things to get this far

but with no help i only suffered

i should have spoken up

but i was scared


things straiten out a bit

and the bulling stops

but the memories are still there

haunting me in my sleep


i get a life a girlfriend

and things are going great

but when her past comes up

they suddenly change


i hate myself for everything

even if its not me

my heart is weak and hurt

now that you have gone


im all alone now sitting at my desk

writing a poem to hide

hide away from its true meaning

make people beleve its all ok


so this is it, im going now

a long goodbye to all my pals

im sorry to all those i hurt

but now you see how much im hurt.

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