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it's still not getting easier

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What the hell is wrong with me. when is this pain going to stop .For those that don't know me it will be three weeks on Monday that he broke up with me. I cry every single day .I have been trying to keep my self busy, but everything I do every where I go somethings reminds me of him. I mean i went shopping today . and just walking thru the mall reminded me of the last time i was there buying him a new sheet set for his new apartment. I couldn't take it and and had to leave. And now here I am crying over him again. i feel so alone I don't think I'm gonna make it thru this. cause it's not getting any easier. I just can't seem to pull my self together. How can one person have such a dramatic affect on my life. Somebody help me please.

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Everything is going to be all right! Healing after a break up is tough, especially if it has been a long relationship. I haven't read any of your other posts, so I do not know your exact circumstances. Things are going to remind you of him for awhile. You can try shopping in a completely different mall than you usually go to for a little while. Hang on tight, it's going to be a wild ride, but everything will work out in the end. Chin up!

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You need to understand that you should never go into a relationship thinking it will work out just because it concerns 'you', as you have seen it can happen to you. Reality is that a guy can pack his bags and leave anyday.


The only thing you can do now, is to pick up the shattered pieces of your life and glue them back together again, giving yourself time to heal, and eventually to move on once you are ready.




hold on,even tho its hard.

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Trust me, it'll get better. When my bf broke up with me, I was a mess. I couldn't calm down. Then, I went and got a thing of my favorite ice cream, ate it while watching sappy/funny movies, painted my nails, did a face mask, basically did every little girly thing I could think of. From there, it got better. Oh, and I also watched Legally Blonde which in my opinion is the best break up movie there is! In time it gets so much better, you start focusing on YOU more and not the relationship that ended. So its important during this time to be yourself and to spend time alone doing thigns that you enjoy so that you can feel more confident without him.

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I'm sure this happens to everyone. Don't feel like you are the odd one out. Heck, it's going to probably take longer than 3 weeks, but it will be over in time. It took me almost 2 months to get over a guy who wasn't even really considered a boyfriend. I didn't really physically share anything with him. What I tried doing was going to the gym everyday. It got me into shape and it got me to stop crying. I don't like crying in public, so it prevented me from tearing up! It got me to focus on my body, rather than that boy. Try involving yourself into some high-impact activity with others around.

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Its only been three weeks so there is nothing wrong with you. The first time My ex broke up with me I was a complete wreck for the first few weeks. It is shock and you just dont know what to do at first. If you are still talking to him then tell him you wish no contact going forward as talking to him keeps all the wounds fresh. It will get better slowly but surely. When I was feeling bad during the first break up I took a trip with some friends to Hopewell Rocks in NB and it made me feel better being out there. Thats a cool place. Sorry kind of off the topic a little bit. Hang in there though you will get over this!

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I don't have a lot of friends. And my family won't speak to me because I started dating LPG. I called my mom and told her it was over and that I needed her help to get thru this . She said it was to late that I made my decision to be with him and now I have to live with the consequences of my actions. The only way that I can have my family back is to go back to their church . But I can't. I just feel so alone. Maybe in time it will get easier. I hope your all right about this one. I haven't heard from him since he picked up his things last week .I don't expect to ever here from him again.

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I don't have a lot of friends. And my family won't speak to me because I started dating LPG. I called my mom and told her it was over and that I needed her help to get thru this . She said it was to late that I made my decision to be with him and now I have to live with the consequences of my actions. The only way that I can have my family back is to go back to their church . But I can't. I just feel so alone. Maybe in time it will get easier. I hope your all right about this one. I haven't heard from him since he picked up his things last week .I don't expect to ever here from him again.


Hi Cingar,


Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling better yet. But you will feel better, it's just going to take a little longer; three weeks is not long enough to get over someone you clearly loved very much. Your family aren't the only option for support. Are there any self-help groups in your area that deal with break-ups/divorce? You could seek comfort from 'real' people going through a similar thing.


Hang in there. The pain is awful I know but you need to keep telling yourself it will get better. Cry as much as you need to now - get it all out of your system. Go back to doctor if things feel too much. Focus on your children and the happy life you will all lead in the not to distant future. Tough I know, but try not to idealize LPG, he certainly wasn't the perfect man that your head is telling you he was. When you feel lonely, remind yourself that the future (permanent) Mr Cingar is out there, you just haven't found each other yet.

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Healing takes time, and it hurts. Sometimes it's a long and painful process. But you ARE healing and you WILL get over it with time. Of course you're going to hurt at first- if you didn't that would be abnormal. Chin up, keep trucking. Take this as a lesson and a learning curve, and move on positively. This is an unbelievable chance you get to learn about yourself, and tackle the world on your own. You can do it.

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