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Who should pay?

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It depends on the situation. I think that if it's the first few dates, whoever did the asking for that particular date should pay. If the date is kind of expensive though, both people should contribute. If this is in a relationship, I'd say take turns paying and sometimes just pay your own way.

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I say pay 50/50! Women are as equal as men, thereforeeee there should be EQUAL contributions of $$$ towards a date. My boyfriend paid for a few things, and I paid for a few things. It was equal in the end. Personally, I hate when someone pays for me because I find myself non-deserving. Also, my mom always told me not to accept from others. My boyfriend doesn't understand still, hehe.

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So if we're talking about a couple who is in a committed relationship that could lead to marriage, the woman should still pay 50/50? Or should the man take care of the bulk.


Furthermore, if we are talking about a married couple (or 2 people that co-habitate), should the man pay for the larger bills and the woman take care of small things around the home?

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Something that works well for my bf and I is that we just try to remember who bought dinner, paid for the movie tickets, etc... last. We do 50/50, and something that we really like is when one person buys dinner, the other person buys dessert, and then the next time it's the opposite. That way, one person doesn't blow a good $50-80 on a nice meal and dessert, leaving the other feeling guilty (that's me) lol.


When both of us contribute, we feel good. As far as bills, we don't plan to live together until we're married, but we will most likely just split the lump sum of the bills 50/50. It all depends on the couple though. If my bf had his way, he'd probably pay all the time, but I don't let him. I sneak up to the cash register and swipe my card before he does. He always manages to always pay for the gas though, so I just get him back by buying him lunch or making him a lunch and bringing it to work.

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Depends on the persons in the relationship. There is another thread going on the same topic. I personally like the guy to pay when we go out. Alot of people seem to think that this is a sin or that I'm stuck in the dark ages, but I think it's only myself and my guy who can decide what's right for us.

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I do think it is a matter of circumstances, what works for the particular couple. Generally I think who asks, pays. After the first couple of dates I think it's 50/50 unless there is a serious income inbalance.


When you are solid and join finances it obviously doesn't matter so much.


My word of warning is wherever there are inequities in a relationship (financial, emotional, effort etc) they will eventually raise their head if not addressed.

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