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Sick and tired of getting woken up by uncontrollable noise?

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So, I have to say, for the past couple of months I have been sleeping so much better. I have constantly been woken up by my family members who on some days get up earlier than me, or even those who make noise at night when I'm trying to sleep.


I finally started wearing earplugs to bed, and I never thought to before this summer. I have lost SO MUCH SLEEP before this, having been woken up an hour and a half before I needed to be, or being kept up late about the same amount of time from trying to sleep.


So I thought I would make this suggestion! I can't believe how great it is... I have slept from the moment I fall a sleep until my alarm goes off-- and the alarm is all I can hear!


However, keep in mind if you live with someone sick that you need to hear, or not live with enough people just in case something's going on and you sleep right through it... then maybe you shouldn't try them. But if you have several people in your house and things like that, then take this suggestion!


I just bought a new bunch earlier today, and my sister's got friends over... really loud, and I'm ready to go to bed. So I'm happy there won't be ANY problems.

Just wanted to share.



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I always wear earplugs, (remind me to ask God to create ears with 'mute' in them) because i work nightshifts , i sleep during daytime and people around here are so into construction, hammering,drilling, good heavens its hard to get some decent sleep. So trying to be less zombie and more human, id wear earplugs.

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Lack of sleep can be devastating. Good you figured out a way to battle it.


Contrary to a common sense, I got the best sleep when I worked a graveyard shift 6pm - 6am for about 18 months. I was able to sleep full 8 hours everyday during a day, when everyone was gone. Now that I'm back on the corporate-america time frame (8am-5pm) I tend to experience sleep issues.

Things like cracking of the heaters, neighbours walking loud, door slams etc knock me out of sleep easily. So what I do when I plan on getting some good quality sleep it have a hot shower, hot cup of non-coffinated tea, and keep the lights as dim as possible. Then once in bed I consciously relax my feet, arms, and stomach, and imagine blackness. Works like a charm, no more then 10 min and I'm out.

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Yup, I wear earplugs to bed every night on the weekends, and sometimes on weeknights. I have a loud alarm clock for that purpose. Unfortunately, though I have the second-best set of earplugs in the world (32 dB reduction), it's not enough to block out the low bass notes from my neighbor's apartment. Those travel right up my bones. I'd love any tips on passive ways of blocking bass. Apparently noise cancelling headphones are also insufficient against bass.

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When I read the thread title, I thought it was going to be about snoring. My husband and I slept in the same bed for years, until finally I realized that I was going to die or go crazy if I didn't get a break from his terrific snoring. Now we sleep in separate rooms; I'm healthier and have more energy, and he can sleep on his back again.

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