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How Old Is Too Old To Have A 1st Girlfriend ??

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I am 23 and have never had a girlfriend. The problem isn't that I couldn't find a girlfriend, because I am sure I could have found one if I had put the effort in. Instead of investing in a relationship, I have invested most of my efforts into establishing a career, because I have always believed that school and career establishment had to come first. Now that is more or less completed, I really want to look seriously to find a girlfriend.


But some people suggest that the time has passed for me. They say that if you haven't had a girlfriend by age 23, then I will never really have a serious girlfriend. Its like learning grammar - After a certain age (usually age 12) if a child has not learned the grammar of a language, they will never learn it ?? Does the same apply for relationships ?? Many guys I know have been dating since they were age 13 or so, so they have 10 years of dating experience ? Can I learn that they have learned over those 10 years, and have a successful relationship soon ??

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It's never too late. Stop thinking that. You just need to start getting out there and getting some practice. There are a lot of sites out there that will teach you good tips for developing confidence in the dating world. A site that has worked wonders for me is link removed. I used to be very bad at attracting women until I read a lot of the stuff on this site. Don't worry about the fact that you're 23. In fact don't worry at all. Just get out there and have fun while doing so. You only live once. Enjoy it.

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Hey pal, you think you've got issues, I'm 30 --> 31 and never had a girlfriend. It's like the old childhood "nobody wants to play with me" problem, when in the school yard I'd be a loner, and always looking for inclusion with other children, until I found hobbies and passions and didn't let that bother me. Now, at 30 y/o the same mantra "nobody wants to play with me" goes to women. Sucks I guess.

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"nobody wants to play with me"


It is never too late. That is not true. You have to approach woman. If you don't, you will play this same old mantra the rest of your life.


Have you heard of a wise saying, "Doing the same things for thousand of times and expect a different result is insanity"?

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you have friends who have been 'dating' since 13?!?!?! ha ha.. I would hardly call 13 year old relationships anything to talk about. they do NOT have 10 years on you!


You sound smart enough... and I'm sure you know deep down that anyone who says 'you need to have had a girlfriend by 23' is full of crap!


Lots of my friends never had boyfriends / girlfriends in their early twenties because they were too busy doing things... studying, working, traveling, being in competitive sports.


I don't think going 'looking' for a relationship is the right way to go about it... its not like looking for a new house or looking for a new pair of shoes.


When someone is looking, myself included, I find I never find anything. You will meet people by doing the sports, hobbies you enjoy.

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Never too old to date!!


If you'd been 63 posting that thread...well i may of been a way bit concerned but 23....my god!! i bet there a lots of people who haven't had a gf before.


At least you know who you are. So many people start dating early then lose there identity.


You''ll be fine - and don't listen to people who are clearly full of c!ap!!

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I agree. It's never too late! People hook up in their 80s!


I think the key is to make yourself be involved with social things where you can meet people and not let inertia take over as then it will be 5 years from now and then it dawns on you that you haven't asked a girl out in 5 years.


Try something like ballroom dancing where you have to be talking to and touching women. The practice parties are very social.

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They say that if you haven't had a girlfriend by age 23, then I will never really have a serious girlfriend.


That's just stupid...


Though I can see what they are trying to say... If you haven't learned to form a romantic emotional bond by a certain age, then you might find it more difficult later in life...


They are wrong, though

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I have to say that the downside of starting relationships late in life is you don't learn what a good or bad one is, as you've no experience to fall back on. That's how I came to have an unsuccessful first marriage.


You may be better off dating younger girls to start with.


Good luck.

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