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The Rain

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  1. I am 23 and have never had a girlfriend. The problem isn't that I couldn't find a girlfriend, because I am sure I could have found one if I had put the effort in. Instead of investing in a relationship, I have invested most of my efforts into establishing a career, because I have always believed that school and career establishment had to come first. Now that is more or less completed, I really want to look seriously to find a girlfriend. But some people suggest that the time has passed for me. They say that if you haven't had a girlfriend by age 23, then I will never really have a serious girlfriend. Its like learning grammar - After a certain age (usually age 12) if a child has not learned the grammar of a language, they will never learn it ?? Does the same apply for relationships ?? Many guys I know have been dating since they were age 13 or so, so they have 10 years of dating experience ? Can I learn that they have learned over those 10 years, and have a successful relationship soon ??
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