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This is something I've just never understood... My girlfriend drinks socially at college (which I hate), and I've just never been able to comprehend the point of consuming alcohol when there are no positive effects of it. I understand that it can cause people to relax, but if someone is at college and with friends that they already know, what do they need to alcohol to relax for. My father was an alcoholic, so I've always promised myself that I would never drink, but I would like to know what the motivation is for drinking, when the intent is not to get drunk.

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I really think it stems from insecurity and a desire to fit in. It surprises me that people who otherwise act all confident and independent would try so desperately to fit in. I always drink OJ or apple juice when out 'drinking'. In rare cases I have had alcohol but only because I like its taste. That would be about one drink a month

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I agree with the other posters, in that alcohol creates a sense of comaraderie between her and her peers.


Is it a good way to achieve it? Probably not, why kill beautiful brain cells?


I think some college students want to experiment at their first phase away from home.


It's likely to pass rapidly and she will no longer need it to fit in or be part of the "girls."


I go out with my friends and don't drink, when they all do, I just say that I can have so much more fun being myself than using some other agent to make me relaxed.


Hugs, Rose

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Humans have been drinking socially for literally thousands of years. I don't think it's just out of insecurity (although for some people it certainly is).


It feels pleasant and contributes to everyone having a good time. It helps us get rid of our inhibitions (which can, of course, be a bad thing if you get drunk. But this post is about drinking without getting drunk).


Btw, I'm sorry that your father abused alcohol. My father was a drug addict and I know it can make life rough for the kids.

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I don't drink to get drunk. I haven't been drunk in over 5 years. I don't drink to fit in with my friends. I haven't even had a drink in over a year, because of pregnancy and breastfeeding. I do, however, enjoy the occasional vodka and tonic because it tastes good. Especially with high-end vodka and a little lime. Yummy. I tend to only do it around friends because I only drink when I'm out, not at home, just because I don't have high-end vodka or tonic water on hand.


She could just enjoy the taste of whatever she's drinking. Of course, she could always be drinking to fit in, and that's common in college, and she'll grow out of it.


I kind of understand where you're coming from though. My parents are both alcoholics, as well as the majority of my family. You've probably seen the fallout of alcoholism, and it's probably really negatively affected you, so you don't understand why anyone would drink, period. I was the same way for a very long time. I thought that all drinking would eventually lead to alcoholism. Many people are able to drink and get drunk, even often, without becoming alcoholics. Especially in college, where it's generally a passing phase. That may not the case for you, since alcoholism is genetic, but it is the case for many people.


If you're uncomfortable with your girlfriend drinking, don't try to get her to stop. You can't change her. Let her know that you're uncomfortable with it because you've witnessed the fallout of alcoholism, but don't expect her to change because of you.

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Alcohol is a big part of college life... lots of pubs and bars on campus.


There is a difference between having a few social drinks and getting trashed all the time. nothing wrong with a big party every once in a while.


When I was at university a lot of our professors would take us to the campus bars for drinks at the end of the semester.


I like the taste of nice wine, good beers and nice cocktails... thats why i drink..

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But maybe we could all get a bottle of wine and drink it at home while wasting our time away on this forum. Would that be drinking alone?


I don't think that would be a healthy thing to do!


All the sad stories we read and try to help out with if we have any insight or experience combined with our own sad stories that lead to us finding and posting here in the first place....


I would save the wine for a happier time!


Tea with milk and 2 sugars for me!

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hmmmm....are you asking what the reasons are for most people - or your girlfriend? Have you asked HER this question? More than once, yeh?


For me, it was always because as Dako said, it felt good, but it also made me more tolerable, less pent up and retentive and I was able to socialize - for a part of the stooer anyway - Then I just got inaudible and squirrely.


But man, do I love a good bottle of wine and a good cigarette......I'm a loser.

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I think so.


But maybe we could all get a bottle of wine and drink it at home while wasting our time away on this forum. Would that be drinking alone?

Ever read the OT forum around midnight, Cali time?

I think that's what's happening...

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I personally hate social drinking. I would rather drink with one other person or alone. However, I think the "point" of social drinking is to have fun...I mean, I know you do not find it fun, but a lot of people do because people usually end up acting crazy and silly. I don't like it because it makes me uncomfortable.

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I would like to thank all of you for replying..this post alone has helped me calm down some and be less apprehensive. My father's alcoholism has led to an immense fear of alcohol within myself, and I'm in the process of ridding myself of this. My girlfriend has promised me that she won't get drunk, and she will tell me when she does drink, so that way I won't worry about her. Sometimes it just gets hard when I know that she may be doing the same thing that has caused me so much pain, even though she is not drinking to the extent that he ever did. At times I even want to break up with her because it stresses me out a great deal that she drinks at all, but I do love her and really its all I can do is to trust her and hope that this is a passing phase.


Thank you all for helping me get through this.

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well, it's only YOUR opinion that there are no positive effects of drinking alcohol.


what is the intent of drinking socially? well, like you said, it helps people relax. it also gets SOME people in a better mood (e.g. they laugh more), it helps people be more outgoing, and people feel that they "fit in" better by drinking when they see others drinking.


Do not get me wrong, I am aware of the negative effects of drinking (mood swings, drunk driving, fights, etc.). But not everyone lets drinking escalate to these levels.


My boyfriend is not a big fan of drinking, but when we go out, I still drink-- I don't feel that I should change my preferences just because he doesn't agree with them. I would resent him if I did that. And if you try to stop your girlfriend from drinking, she will resent you, and maybe even want to do it more.


I understand where you're coming from, though, with your father being an alcoholic and all. I know several people who also don't drink for that same reason.


Maybe you're just REALLY worried that she'll end up like your father, or worse, maybe her drinking reminds you of your father.


I highly doubt, though, that she will stop drinking just because you don't personally agree with it. This is just my opinion, though, I don't know your girlfriend.

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