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So girls.... how many of you can orgasm without stimulating the clitoris?

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I've seen that somehow, women are expected to achieve orgasms just with plain penetration.


In T.V. and movies for example, intercourse begins, and the actresses are showing signs of extreme pleasure, and they look like they're about to cum. Just by being penetrated? Not in my world .


Don't get me wrong, it feels awesome, but I -personally- not able to achieve an orgasm if I don't touch directly my clit. And I'm pretty sure many women out there can't climax either just by being penetrated.


And I'm also sure, many unexperienced guys, believe women that don't climax just with penetration are frigid or something, because of what they see on the mass media.


So, I'm wondering how many of you can have an actual orgasm without touching ur clit or somehow rubbing it against ur partner, and the most important, how you do it ?!?! Is it any different, more or less powerful? Better?


Also, what about the immature orgasm Freud talked about? Are we immature for only achieving orgasms via clitoris?

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I orgasm on penetrative sex alone, simply because myself and my boyfriend have sex in such a way that the base of his penis rubs directly against my clitoris. I believe the basic techinique is known technically as CAT - Clitoral Alignment Technique. Google it.


It works and gives us the ability to have movie-style sex that lasts for ages and usually involves at least on simultaeneous orgasm.


So it's well worth experimenting with.

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It is true that the majority of women orgasm either solely or the majority of the time through clitoral stimulation.


However, by no means is this the only way of orgasming, and women can orgasm with penetration (particularly more so with stimulation of that G-spot)...but some can also orgasm without any genital contact at all due to the stimulation of other sensitive areas combined with a strong mental component.


I am able to orgasm in ways other than with clitoral stimulation, but it was something that came over time, and with the right comfort level in myself, and good physical communication with my partner.

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Well, I have found it has to be highly correlated pyschologically.


It won't happen unless you fully let go.


I seemed to orgasm when my guy did, so I think it's because of engorgement when he climaxes which forced me into one.


Certain positions like ALS mentioned work better than others.


The one that is guaranteed for some to work is where the woman lies on her stomach and the man sits on top, but still is vaginal sex.

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Your cervix as far as I know actually contracts in any orgasm...it has been shown to help improve conception by "dipping" into sperm pool. Sometimes you may feel the contractions of your uterus and cervix more than other times though (or more than other women). It's not the cervix itself orgasming - but contracting - in response to the orgasm. I feel it more so with g-spot orgasms than clitoral orgasms which I feel are more concentrated to clitoral area, as for me the gspot ones are more "over entire body" including cervix/uterus.

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Here's my version of the come hither:


It's all by hand stimulation and very difficult to do yourself.


Have your guy press your leg in a bent position against your body, the other leg being held straight.


Then tell him to put his hand in your vagina and search for a bump a few inches in, near where your belly button is. It will be on the side of the vagina that is next to the belly button.


Then tell him to use two fingers to tap/massage at the bump he found with a come hither motion.


Good luck.

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I cum with only penetration and it is a longer and better orgasm than with clitoral stimulation. Maybe I am just one of those rare people.


Same here. I prefer the orgasms from penetration to the kind I have with only clitoral stimulation. But it was probably a year or so into my relationship that I started having orgasms from penetration - it used to be impossible for me to have an orgasm through penetration. Maybe it just takes practice or a certain comfort level, or maybe it's just because her fingers can curl in a way a penis can't...I don't know.

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Believe it or not Baby Carrot, It happens!!!!


It has only happened to me like maybe.... oh say 5 times in my life. The first time, i was sooooo embarrassed, I soaked the bed, because i thought i peed my self! But it was a g-spot orgasm. It all has to do with the positioning, try putting a pillow under your but, and your man will have better chances of hitting your g-spot. I have noticed, that ever time i've had one, my pelvis was shifted, at around a 45 degree angle.


Have you ever watched porn with the chick named Cytheria? She she has one every few minutes, and sprays the stuff out. She has an intravenous hooked up to her b/c she loses so much fluid while having sex. Sounds cray! LOL i know... Maybe it's fake? Who knows... but she must have a VERY large or sensitve g-spot. I don't know much about them. NOW THAT IS DEFINETLY WORTH DOING RESEARCH ON!!! lol

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Oh my an IV while orgasming? That's nutty nutty!!!


I never heard of that woman. But I wonder if it's fake, I mean, you can't get dehidrated because of peeing can you?


It gets to a point where you still orgasm via g-spot but if ur out of fluid you just stop spraying, don't you?


I know what u mean, i was wondering if it was all an act.... But if it was, thats ok too!!! Because is sure got my honey worked up lol he chased me through the house and practically ripped my clothes off So either way i don't care...... lol


But you have me wrong about the peeing,.. lol. Its not pee, like i said i THOUGHT it was urine the first time..But it was fluid from the g-spot orgasm.. I thought i peed at the time because i was VERY unexperienced when it came to sex.

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Orgasms just from vaginal penetration can happen, and it will be done by simulating the g spot. Not all women have the capability to have a g spot orgasm and some are more sensitive than others. There are specific positions that will hit the g spot, and will produce an intense orgasm.

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