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Might get a Criminal Record!!!

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Hey...I posted here the other day about a prank i was thinking about pulling...well i pulled it alright...on my math teacher at school...I'm suspended from school for a few days and there going to call me when im alloud back...what i did was put some laxative in my math teachers water for a joke...it diddnt turn out too well and hes thinking about pressing charges...if i get charged with this what will happen to me?...jail? comunity service?...i know i would have a criminal record...and what would that do for me later on if i want to get a job or anything?..thanks

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If they press charges, they can go two routes, sue you financially and/or put a misdemeanor on your record.


If you decide to apply for colleges/universities, they will most likely turn you down for that, since there is a box you must check that says do you have a criminal record or any misdemeanors.


Jobs will also have access to this information when they conduct a background check and may not hire as a result.


I recommend talking to this teacher and saying you will do community service or anything possible not to have this placed on your record. You should talk to a lawyer.


What made you decide to do this? It's dangerous and could have caused a very bad reaction.

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Uhm...thats not really a prank nowadays. Its more like assault/poisoning. First come to grips with the fact that you were wrong, and apologize. If you aren't sorry for your actions, then the court will eventually read that by your demeanor, and of course, you'll be slammed hard. However, if you make leaps to present yourself well, and remorseful, things MIGHT turn out better.


What were you thinking? Dont they egg houses or smash mailboxes anymore?

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Maybe I'm getting old or something, but that's REALLY MEAN. Geez there's some things you just don't do, and messing with someone's food or drink is just not one of them. I would press charges if I was him...


But I got charged with a misdemeanor when I was like, 16 or 17 and I did community service and had to pay a fine. Then I never heard anything about it ever again. I think my mom had my records sealed or something but I'm not quite sure about that. But honestly it hasn't affected me negatively after that. Mine wasn't for assault though, so it might be a little different.


I can't imagine what you were thinking. I hope you learned your lesson.

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I work in lawenforcement. I have seen this done before. They can charge you with an assault. Depending if he presses charges or if the DA charges for him. Nowadays the victim doesnt press the charges, the state does that if it is serious enouph. You could get anywhere from probation(with no prior criminal record) community svce. or time. There are different types of "time". There is the ankle bracelet or detention facility.Though they dont like to go that route with first time delinquents. If and when you get adjudicated you parents can get your records sealed. Not much can follow you into your adulthood if this happens. Good luck and next time think before you jump.

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Yea thanks for het replies guys...I did call him last night saying how sorry i was and how irresponcible it was...I also wrote a letter to him and am going to give it to him today...I've got a meeting at the school at 1:30 to disguss what will happen...I know one thing is for sure...I'l never pull a prank like that again lol

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You won't get a criminal record since it is your first offense. If they push it, take it to court and plead not guilty. A criminal record can ruin a young person's life and they won't give you one unless they feel like you're really a bad person, which you're not.


They might give you community service or something, if anything.


And please, stay away from this kind of stuff. Even shoplifting something that costs $10 can seriously ruin your life and future.

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Yea thanks for het replies guys...I did call him last night saying how sorry i was and how irresponcible it was...I also wrote a letter to him and am going to give it to him today...I've got a meeting at the school at 1:30 to disguss what will happen...I know one thing is for sure...I'l never pull a prank like that again lol


Not sure what the "lol" is about. Seems to me you are only apologizing out of self-interest and because you got caught. I was a teacher - I was underpaid, overworked but I had much dedication and loyalty to the students. Hopefully your teacher won't decide that this is the last straw. Frankly, I hope it stays on your record -- that will act as a natural laxative each and every time you go for an interview or try to get into college and have to explain what you did and why.

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ok..I had my meeting at the school about half an hour ago...the police were there and thre not going to press charges....thank god...the principle said though that if i was someone who was getting into trouble like everyother week or so they would have pressed charges...im so relieved though that there not...i've learned my lesson lol

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