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Followup on celticghirl story

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Well done enotalone moderators - I thought you dealt with this really well. Letting the thread run, and closing it at an appropriate time, and updating us all properly. It must be a nightmare job to get it right between allowing people to speak and post, and moderating it so that stuff like this is contained.


I was interested on why someone may do this; I've never heard of it, can't see why, but apparently it's a very old phenomenon - there is a pretty harsh but accurate insight on youtube: "A Beginners Guide To Faking Your Own Death On The Internet":


It's scarily accurate, I think... (ie says car crash is the option favoured by most people who decide to do this).


Anyway, well done to moderators, you have a really tough job and I think you did really well.

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I dont know what to say..... If she is alive I am glad. I have been doing my home work too. I cant call there too expencive but I have found nothing about her death. I have emailed the newspapers there and they say that there is no person in there papers with that name. But to me she is dead... I hate to say that..... I have had a hard time dealing with it, I have greved for her......

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I'm curious as to how you investigated/found out that it was a hoax. Can you tell us?


Thank you to the admins for getting through this, I find it distressing that some individuals have to sink to these kind of lows to get attention upon themslves.

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So, everyone believes Leah and Indi lied through their teeth for several months just to fake a death like this ? No doubt about it because the mods couldn't find her name ?


Have you ever started thinking if everything is true what this thread might do to Indi ?

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So, everyone believes Leah and Indi lied through their teeth for several months just to fake a death like this ? No doubt about it because the mods couldn't find her name ?


Have you ever started thinking if everything is true what this thread might do to Indi ?

No I dont think it is a fake, the thing is that they used there resorces to find out if she was killed and it turned up nothing. One thing is they might have the wrong name. The only thing I can say is that if you or Indi have some way to prove to the masses that she is dead it would go alot to making the masses that she is dead. Like I said if this is a holx then to me she is still dead.

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people people calm down. I know we all hurt right now. Every one just take a deep breath and think. Fallout the calment about Prsov that was uncalled for. He has just the same right to be on this thread as you do. And what he dose on Msn is up to him. He is not doing it here. Is he? No

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Flaming each other will not be tolerated so stop it.


We are not accusing anyone of anything. We are merely reporting the results of our investigation and there is no evidence to show that there was any sort of death of a young person in the manner described in the location it should have been.


The method the death was reported to us is suspicious.

The behavior of certain individuals in the reporting process is more than suspicious.

Not to mention we've seen people try this before and the patterns are very similar with this report.


So we checked it out. Those who were shocked and upset by the original information have the right to know that there is more to the story.

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It is horrific for me to imagine someone can joke and pull a delibrate hoax with something so serious as death.That is pretty sad that the person or people responsible for this hoax needed attention that badly.

I am also happy nobody really died...

Death is nothing to joke around with.


As sad as it is to saybut she is dead

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I can understand that some of you honestly feel she has passed away. YOu may have been lied to as well and this is very hurtful to you. However, it is not the fault of any of the others on this forum.


The same stages of acceptance can be applied to this as to any other kind of loss...


Denial, Anger, etc etc. I feel that right now some of us may be in denial. They did check out things and its being reported to us that we were fooled.


I am sorry for how this affects anyone.

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Honestly I am not being in denial, I would be very happy if she was still alive, but thinking what it would take for this to be a hoax - 2 people that I talked to online and on phone constructing fake lifes over the internet and then pretending one of them is dead - well from a rational point of view I don't believe this to be the case. To me it wasn't a hoax...

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I don't think that anybody WANTS to believe that this is a hoax, likewise nobody wants to believe that she is dead but I am from the UK and I KNOW that the police could check every single person that died in a car crash on that day.

If you really cannot believe, then check out some of the obituary sites yourself and find her, if only for your peace of mind.


link removed

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I understand Fallout. Search deep within your thoughts and put all the pieces together. Put the facts in order as you feel they have been described to you.


If you look hard enough, you'll find the inconsistencies and likely uncover the truth on your own too.


Start with the time of the supposed death, and how quickly it was communicated.

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Ok well I saved all the logs from my convos with both Leah and Indi...and this is from the date of 22nd September the day it happened - all the times listed are GMT+3 btw, my timezone and they are PM :


- at 6:01 I said goodbye to Leah, as she was leaving for class

- at 7:23 Indi came online telling me her mother just called her that there has been an accident. An hour and 22 minutes seems plenty of time for that to me.

- at 7:35 Indi said she received another call from Leah's mom that she passed away...12 minutes later again enough time.


I don't find any inconsistency with this myself...nor can I find any inconsistency with Leah or Indi's posts on this forum nor in my MSN convos with them. Personally I think if they were fake there would be plenty of inconsistencies over 6 or more months they posted here...so both form the logical and personal perspective I still don't believe it's a hoax...

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Have you ever met Leah in person? Did you speak with Leah's mom on the phone? Sounds pretty quick for a friend to hear about a death given all of the paperwork, etc that would have to happen first (sorry to be so morbid). Did you get a copy of the obituary? Where was the funeral and when? Of course it could have been true but if you re-read your own statement it's a lot of hearsay and conjecture.


Please just feel sorry for whoever perpetuated this hoax - it's not your fault for believing it at the time - of course news like that would stun you.


My guess is the people who did this have never experienced the death of someone close - as I have - where you wish it wasn't true, but it is.

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the only question is why cant we find her name in the papers, if she was killed her name would be in the paper. Why cant the police find her name in the records. If you die you dont just disappare. There is a paper trail. One thing is maby Leah is lieing to everyone even Indi?

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