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My girlfriend asked me what was on my mind when i looked a little depressed... after her just finishing telling me that she still had feelings for her ex, i didnt know to tell her the truth - that i think that we're involved in a rebound relationship, or to lie. Should this upset me? knowing she still may love her ex?

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She had been telling you what was on her mind when she says she still has feelings for her ex. Then why not offer back the same and tell her exactly what you are thinking. After all she did ask you what was on your mind, right ?


I can understand it would be upsetting to find out that she still has feelings for her ex. I think you need to go ahead and be honest with her about your feelings with your relationship together.


To lie would only cover up feelings that probably need to be out in the open.

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These are definitely questions you need to ask (the ones in your first post). For your own sake, you need to know the direction this relationship is heading and what meaning it has to her. In turn, you should share you opinions and have an honest, responsive discussion.


It's not uncommon to have feelings for your first: as much as it may be bothersome, it's just natural to still have that friendship/connection. I think you should make her elaborate on what she means by "having feelings for her ex." At first I thought it was a "caution: danger ahead" sign, but then your second post nullified that almost completely. I mean, it's just human nature to care about your ex if you end it on good terms: it's not fair to you, however, if by feelings she means strong feelings that make her want to go back to him.


Clarification is definitely needed: ask her!

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I apologize I read it that she had told you this as she was breaking up with you! My bad.


In that case I would again tell her your feelings are that you would like to help her pack her bags. Seriously.


I have feelings for all my exes. Heck I loved them to some degree or another, but tell a GF I had feelings for them. NO WAY. Firstly because when I say I have feelings I mean I love them but I dont even think of them in a GF way and the love is that of someone you had something special with not someone I want to share my life with. My feelings about my exes are irrelevant because they are minor feelings if you will.


Second what the heck would I be trying to achieve by telling a GF I had feelings. Those feelings would have to be strong for me to say anything.


My guess is she is playing games or is really having feelings for him and quite frankly I would tell her that you need to go your separate ways until she figures out what she wants. It will save you time and pain and let her know you will not settle for playing second best or even equal with that of an ex.

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their relationship ended because he cheated on her, does that make a difference?

I suppose it could make a difference in that the relationship ended because of events beyond her control, ie. had he NOT cheated on her they'd still be together.


Like the previous poster said, it is the strength of those feelings that is important. If she is still getting over that break-up then yes, you could be the rebound guy.


My previous comment was more based on the fact that most of us will carry some feelings around about an ex, but that doesn't necessarily mean we have to burden our current partners with that information.

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