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Why would anyone ever want to be with someone who does not in turn want to be with them??


This makes absolute NO sense to me.


It's self-defeating, pathetic and just plain sad.

Love and rejection are almost, dare I say, mutually exclusive terms.






Rejection is the opposite of acceptance, and love is founded on and perpetuated by feelings of total acceptance.


Life is too short and far too precious to be spent wasting your time and energy pursuing those people and those things that will forever and perpetually be, a carrot's length from your reach.

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Lust makes people lose their minds.


Lust and insatiable greed are the driving forces behind any and all unhealthy addictions.


Lust addicts are never okay with the moment or at peace with themselves. They are never satisfied with what they already have, always wanting more, incapable of grasping the concept of having enough.

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Because it is safer that way - you get to pine away for the person, think about the person all the time, reject people who are sincerely interested because you are "in love," get attention from others for being so deep and "intense" etc. You don't have to date real people with all their flaws, etc and you never have to worry about being in a truly committed relationship, with all of its downsides. That is not what I am about but what I have seen other people be about.

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When you manage to stay with someone for a *significant* amount of time, then you may realize.


Much of the struggle is actually about losing grasp of your dreams.. hopes... the object becomes a secondary goal.


But, it is *all driving*.. in the moment, it is all you care about... it takes a lot of time to rip yourself out of a past moment... more work than removing yourself from an idle thought.

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I agree with you, Red Queen. I'm always amazed at people who get angry and continue to pursue others who have spurned or jilted them. I just shake my head and wonder that they would want somebody who obviously doesn't want them.


That's also my objection to hiring prostitutes for sex. It's not the safety or morality angles that bother me, it's the idea of trying to make love to someone who's on the clock and just waiting for me to finish so she can take her lunch break. Kind of a depressing thought...

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