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Is my cyber/phone friend a freak?

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First of all, I'm a guy over age 20. I met this girl online in December 2005, we became friends, and we've been talking on the phone a lot for months. I want to meet her in person but there are a few things about this girl that bother me...let me explain.


- Supposedly she went to my school in LA but her field of study doesn't seem to be offered at my school.

- She lives in an apartment rather far from school which is pretty unheard of when there's dorms and plenty of apartments right by the school.

- We were supposed to hang out several times but first her "phone broke" and then I slept in...then before we could hang out again she went home to Washington in the middle of the school term and has been there ever since. She claimed her parents (lawyers) went to Florida to settle their marital problems and she had to take care of all the kids.

- Speaking of phones, she claims she likes to break her phones so she can get new ones. Kind of weird...

- Her triplet sister in LA got cancer so her parents went to CA and stayed there until she died...she seemed strangely unaffected by it.

- Like I said above she just up and left school like it was no big deal.

- When she was already supposedly in Washington I found she left a friend a message (on Myspace) saying she was coming back to Washington for a few days...basically I've found messages she's left for other people that are kind of confusing and she says she didn't leave those messages (so who did then?)

- She sent me a CD that she says she recorded a few years ago but it doesn't easily sound like her and in iTunes the artist name is different.

- She's in a children's hospital right now for a "month" waiting to have an operation in Arizona with a "top doctor" for a blood clot of some kind in her brain or something. She's supposed to be moving to another hospital but she can't tell me which one. She "forgets." She also claims she brought her laptop, printer, and 3 suitcases.

- This will sound strange but I did it because of all these weird signs. I called the hospital she was staying at and the lady said there was no patient under her name.


I know this probably seems obvious but I'm just very confused...I've been talking to her for a while. It's got to be either a really dumb girl, a really sick (mentally) girl...or getting to the creepy side of things I hope it's not a guy posing as or using a girl. She's sent me so many pictures though - even with her little siblings! Maybe there's an explanation for all this and my imagination is just getting to me.

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I dunno, I was just talking to her again...it sucks because I enjoyed talking to her but I'm starting to feel real weird about it now... but I mean, she's sent me pictures and everything, and she had lots of pictures on her myspace... and i've been talking to a girl, at least i think...


what do you think it could be? just a messed up, lonely girl? or worse? she seems to have a somewhat legitimate network of friends on Myspace.

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Legitimate network of friends on MYSPACE?


I'm sorry but there's nothing legitimate about that place. People can make up all kinds of stuff that appears real on there.


Listen to your gut, it is telling you something important. You already know this situation is creepy and weird, and terrible things can happen from trusting people on the internet (not to say don't ever do it, but when something doesn't seem right, it probably isn't). Do NOT ignore your gut reaction.


Find other people to talk to, it can be done. Some will actually seem okay and not have a bunch of bells, whistles and red flags going off when you talk to them.


Good luck.

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This girl suffers from a disease called compulsive lying disorder. She needs a therapy thats what she needs. You should just let her lie all she wants, like this girl I knew from school before, she claimed she was turning into a vampire and had gone to meetings every night with her 'clan' out in no where. All I did was nod my head and say 'wwwoooww...awesome dude!tell me more'. So sad...

Dont talk to her

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Sadly, life is full of dispointing people. The trick is to stay positive and understand it's not you, but them, with the problem. The best way to deal with this is to leave illusions and fantasy behind and focus on what you can control. This will make you a better man that will find the best in every situation, good or bad. That's why I have the quote below.

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wow! it's not too often that everyone is in agreement.


run as fast as you can.


No I know it's messed up; it's just, the concept of someone lying like that, making you believe them, trusting them...and then realizing your "friend" isn't even real...that's messed up.


well.... now you have learned an important lesson - people on the internet may not be who they say they are. don't get attached to someone until you have met them in person and are quite certain they are not pathological liars.

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as something just to pass the time. u should never think about it as you would 'real' life. i would find it impossible to become attached to someone online - i think most people go online because they are bored. nothing wrong with treating it like a SIMS game but at the first sign of weirdness - just say 'sorry, i guess its time to go'. I think some people see it as a way to meet the love of their life, and that's the last place one should go looking for that.



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I suppose I'm just repeating everyone else - she (he?) is just playing internet games. That's horrible, and your post made me think how hard it is to *know* who it is you're speaking to online. Inconsistencies are the big trigger - and the endless dramatic events which don't seem to lead anywhere or have any 'true' emotional impact. What a shame for you though - it's really hard to feel that you've been played by someone.


I guess if alarm bells ring, then pay attention to them in cyber space. I had a friend years ago online, who I didn't quite believe was who he said he was. He let me phone him at his office (we were just friends), and there was a sense of it being grounded in reality that was reassuring. Otherwise it's just two people swapping lies and stories in cyber space. It's hard, though, isn't it?


Good luck for the future.

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