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someone got interested in my profile but there is some problem


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hi people hope all of you doin fine...


so ya whats new in spawnys life, some one saw my funny yet stupid profile online and got interested in me just when i thought nobody even cared to read it or even respond to my mails. I was about to remove myself from that thingy or better put up some boring stuff abt me but lo behold this girl contacts me. Says she was in splits and probably pulled some of her stomach muscle to read such a profile...


well she thinks she has a problem, says she is dark and that if i don't like it she would stop with this here it self...


Come to think of it i am dark as well have never had any such mindsets about nice girls always being fair or dark...


I looked at her profile. like it, saw her snaps looks good.


She gave me her mail id on my reply to her interest, we talked about ourself a bit and then her last mail she says all this...


I replied back with my mobile number for her to contact( probably a mistake but anyways i have never been perfect, i shud have asked hers, right?)


I also told her to lets meet up cause if i am gonna like her i will so just the way she is....


she hasn't replied or called....hmm guess thats a goner then.

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hmm....its been 3 days now, i expected a call this weekend but guess she might be busy with somethin.


NJ how long does it take for no response to eventually mean "bye bye u not my type"


cause if she doesn't reply or call i am not goin to bother, she might feel somethin like oh this guy has nothin else to do but keep remindin me about him....u know will come of as the clingy type.

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Well... basically, don't stop moving on with your own life. The ball is in her court. Don't stand there with your racket hanging out... but, you never know... it could come any time.


Sometimes, it's taken even a couple of weeks... but then things went fine. Sometimes, they go talk to their girlfriends and they advise them to wait for a few days.. or a week.


If she is interested, she will call... if she is not, she won't... so... just keep doing what you're doing.

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I replied back with my mobile number for her to contact( probably a mistake but anyways i have never been perfect, i shud have asked hers, right?)


I also told her to lets meet up cause if i am gonna like her i will so just the way she is....


she hasn't replied or called....hmm guess thats a goner then.


Hi there,


Just a word from the female perspective - I find it *really* difficult to call guys, even when they've given me their mobile number. I just feel awkward, and a bit embarrassed. So I would either text them or do nothing. I prefer him to contact me.


Now, I know that's not an excuse and not comforting, but just to say that she might not be someone who likes to make that first phone call. I KNOW that there is no reason that men should always have to do it, I know - but a lot of women do feel like that.


Anyway, any chance of dropping her an email/catching up with her on IM? Just to give it one last chance, so to speak????


Good luck, anyhow!

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Hi there,


Just a word from the female perspective - I find it *really* difficult to call guys, even when they've given me their mobile number. I just feel awkward, and a bit embarrassed. So I would either text them or do nothing. I prefer him to contact me.


Now, I know that's not an excuse and not comforting, but just to say that she might not be someone who likes to make that first phone call. I KNOW that there is no reason that men should always have to do it, I know - but a lot of women do feel like that.


Anyway, any chance of dropping her an email/catching up with her on IM? Just to give it one last chance, so to speak????


Good luck, anyhow!


Gosh i didn't think about it that way.....don't i feel stupid now...eeh.


hmm i can try that, but when shud i do that, i mean i am the one who gave her the number, shud i wait for her response or just shoot another mail before this weekend....


boy i am confused now.

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Gosh i didn't think about it that way.....don't i feel stupid now...eeh.


hmm i can try that, but when shud i do that, i mean i am the one who gave her the number, shud i wait for her response or just shoot another mail before this weekend....


boy i am confused now.


Well, she OBVIOUSLY thinks you're very funny and cute (I've not seen your profile, but she likes your sense of humour). Could you send her an email on similar lines picking up on something that you've already talked about and suggest meeting up?


I mean, I wouldn't keep trying or anything, but you liked her - I would leave it a few days and then give it one last bash. Use your wit and humour that she really likes. If she doesn't get back to you, well chalk it up to experience (and blame me!). That's the worst that could happen, isn't it? And at least it would stop you waiting around hoping to hear from her.


Always good to have someone like you, and appreciate your humour, eh? Good for you - shows that even if it doesn't work out with this girl, there are many others out there who will like and appreciate you!


Good luck.

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Dude, 3 days is enough, contact her again asap and get on the case or else she's gonna think you're not interested. At this point in the interactions you can expect absolutely nothing from her (ie. her to call you) so get in touch, get her number, and ring her up.


I hear a lot about not being needy, but the solution being passed around isn't the right one. It's not to limit contact, it's to not sound needy when you're talking to her.

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I used to think the same way. That's why if I called a girl and she didn't call me back, I would instantly next her. But there's a point you have to reach with a girl where she's emotionally invested enough where you can expect certain things out of her. You have to develop an instuition about this, where she seems very interested in you. Sometimes it happens right off the bat, but not in your case just yet. You have to develop something because at this point she has nothing invested in you and you'll be passing up an opportunity to get this girl by not playing things out to completition.


Read this article link removed


I don't necessarily agree with everything he says, but the basic idea of not giving a **** and just doing what you want to do is what helped me change my ideas and trust me I instantly saw the results.

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Well.. there is a difference between getting laid and having a relationship. Make sure that's accounted for in the statistics.


In the end, it's what you are aiming for. But, in my opinion. Your strategies are great for the former, but poor for the latter. They advocate quantity over quality...


Interesting stuff, nonetheless...

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Hi Spawn, that's definitely an interesting development.


she looks good and cute

If this is how you feel, if you are really interested in knowing her further, I think you should make another move ( email, leave her a message on the dating site, whatever) even if you haven't heard from her yet. Maybe sometimes girls just need to be encouraged a little, need to be "chased" after a little.


All the best luck to you.

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If guys give me their numbers, I don't call them....I think that when guys do that, it's only representative as a passive (at best) interest.


It's different though if a guy requests to exchange numbers..that shows more of what I like to call an active interest. However, I am not going to call first. Been there, done that; I am so done chasing.

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Awww - She called!


I have to add my two cents in here.


Maybe she was nervous about calling. In any case, I think you should be very cautious and make sure you are not "too" persistent.


You two met online, right? Maybe she's worried that you immediately give every girl your phone number. Even if you advised that you don't, she may still question whether you do.


If she doesn't call you, send her and email like:


"Hey there! What a pleasant surprise to get your email this morning! It was great talking to you and getting to know you a bit the other day. I look forward to talking with you soon!"


So some of that may need to be changed to sound more masculine but I think that is the perfect way of making it clear that you are interested in her and putting the ball in her court.

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ok thatgirl....i just asked her number probably either she is shy or its over by now. Lets see how this goes.


The thing is i may have to spend somethin on this call, cause this is not a local call lol i hope i get thru tomorrows job interview....


hmm do they offer a girl too these days with the job thingy lol

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