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Foreskin stretching?

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I'm a 20 year old guy, uncircumsized. My foreskin is tight around the glans of my penis, I can pull it down when I'm erect, but only about halfway before it gets rather uncomfortable. With lube it goes a little further. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm afraid that having sex with my girlfriend will be uncomfortable because of it. Besides that, my doctor made mention when I was getting a physical once that I should try to stretch it, but gave no indication how. Any advice?

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Besides that, my doctor made mention when I was getting a physical once that I should try to stretch it, but gave no indication how


I think you should ask your doctor about the best and safest way to do that. You don't want to hurt yourself. Don't be embarrassed to ask him/her.




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  • 3 months later...

Like most other areas of skin on your body, it should and will stretch.


Likely the best time to work on it is in the shower (or bath). You can either be erect or not, just keep working the skin down over the glans if you can. Eventually there will be a somewhat permanent stretch.


Getting circumsized at this stage will be a very difficult experience.

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yea you have phimosis I have the same thing and got some topical steroids from my doctor and with that plus stretching it isn't really a problem anymore, not at were I want it to be but its no longer painful or that restrictive. so go gets some topical steroids from your doctor and stretch it alot should solve the problem. I considered circumzition too but I would advise against it as the whole process is extremely painful and there is a long recovery time and a good level of risk that you could get an infection and possibly lose your penis, also you lose alot of sensation so masturbation/sex will not feel as good ever again.

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