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Coincidence or a sixth sense?

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We often hear on these boards that once we have move on, our exes usually reappear in our lives....well, I have a story that is uncanny:


I have been in NC with my ex since the end of April. Since then I have had a few short *ahem* 'flings' that were probably a result of me seeking someone to fill a void in my life - because I guess I wasn't truly happy being by myself.


The last few days however, I have been feeling exceedingly happy. I've been enjoying life and enjoying being single. I only realised it when reflecting yesterday.


Last night I texted a friend saying as much; the text said "I'm really good - FINALLY genuinely happy being single".


We exchanged a few texts over the next 10 minutes, and then I receive a text (which I assumed was from my friend)....but it was from my ex.


*Literally* 11 minutes after I had sent my friend a text saying how I was happy being single, she reappears.


It was a 'nothing' text just asking how I was, and I replied in kind. But it's the timing of her contact that had my head spinning.



I know that this is what sometimes happens, but it doesn't make it any less freaky

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Joyce had a similar experience. I found my ex sniffing back when I started meeting guys, with words like "You would tell me if you were dating someone right???".... lol....


damn right i did. not my current ex, but 9 months after a guy screwed me and i was finally happy, in a new relationship, and rarely thinking of him...tada! he appears, with sorries and declarations of love. if only i had known from the beginning that when it came down to it, not only would I have HIM in the palm of my hand, but i wouldn't even care to be with him by the time i did, i think i might have saved myself from a lot of wasted hours of sadness.


the current ex situation is not chalking up to be quite this simple, however...

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