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I just wanted to say I lost 25 pounds this summer through regular biking and cutting out all non-diet drinks. Now at a healthier 140 lbs (height 5' 5")


It can be discouraging to watch other bikers, even joggers pass me by while I struggle to pedal up a small incline (have to get off and push it up any hills). People leaning out their cars and calling me a fag isn't fun either. Nor do I notice any real strength benefits from the exercising.


But doing this has made me realize an important lesson: effort is what matters most. Why should I care about other people when I'm putting just as much willpower, maybe more, into what I do? If nothing else this can only make me a stronger person.


I think this is an important key to dealing with my m.d.

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I think this is an important key to dealing with my m.d.


And it will help your depression too! Regular exercise and fresh air is fantastic for mental health. Pay no attention to the idiots who shout things. It doesn't matter what they think. It only matters what YOU think and feel.


Congratulations on the weight loss and the fitness boost. You should be very proud.

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That's wonderful ~ you must be so proud!



I went through a situation akin to yours,


I am 5'5", was 155lbs and am now down to 115lbs since January,


My ex and others would hint at me eating fast food,


Tell me I wouldn't be able to fit through the door jam,


That I had a Jennifer Lopez behind,


It really hurt my feelings, but I proved them wrong,


I am now slender and I feel great,


And I did it for myself,


My physical and mental health has come a long way,


That's why reading your post, I was gleaming,


Because I am so impressed with your success!







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Good Job Gecko!

I believe that rarely...if ever...rude remarks flung out of moving cars or otherwise are in fact directed soley to us. They are usually the people that don't like their OWN present situation and take it out on others.

So...use those ignorances as a compliment that your hard work and determination are getting YOU where YOU want to be.


Over the last 8 months I have been getting in shape, have lost just over 50lbs and still moving. It was a shock to hear co-workers and friends (not all but some) say things like... "I hate you" because of it.


Well after reading your post..and thinking about rude comments..I do believe I'm going walking today!!

Thanks for the lift Gecko!!

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I ride my bike as well, by the water. I started doing it as a result of my girlfriend breaking up with me. I would bring my Ipod and just listen to music as I'm riding. I only way 121 pounds and am 5'7 but I work out, etc. It really does help to bike , my depression for my ex subsided alot. But just don't worry about idiot's comments while your riding and I'm glad you lost the weight you were working to lose, just keep riding ^_^

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