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I'm 15 years of age and female... When i get drunk i get very sexual, specially with girls, i thought it was only when i have been drinking, but now i think about it more and i don't think that is the case. I don't want to cheat on my boyfriend but i can't control myself at the best of times. We have spoken about this and he understands but i'm still confused.... What should i do about these behavings?

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Plenty of people change a lot when they've had a bit to drink.


For example... 1 drink, I'm happier. 3 drinks, I'm abusive and predatory. Ergo, I don't drink very often!


I hate to be so very cliched, but at 15 you are very much in the "experimental" stage of your sexuality. You may be bi, you may not be.


That isn't so important...it'll become apparant as you get older. What IS important is that you don't put yourself in situations which you'll regret later. For example, if you're going to a party without your boyfriend and you know there'll be quite a few single girls there...limit your alcohol consumption!

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when i was 18 and my ex g/f was 16 she was kinda like you. I told her to just go and experiment. I am not the type to get all upset because she wants to kiss a few girls or even if she did something with them there no reason why i would get jealous. I think all woman are beautiful and i understand why alot of woman find their own sex attractive, or atleast admit it. What she use to do was she would be making out with another girl and then come and get me and let me join in the fun. I can't lie, i have to say i liked it also. Not all guys will think the same as me though, for example i know one of my buddies is totaly against that. Now im not saying you should do the same but all im saying that i think its normal that you have an attracting for woman and well maybe talk to your boyfriend about it if you can trust him (i hope you can) and see what he thinks.


Good luck

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Alcohol has different effects on people. I get in the same mood you do when I'm tipsy, I get really horny and "easy".


You have probably felt attracted and horny about girls when you're sober, and the alcohol only makes you feel more unhinibited about it, is not that booze turns you automatically into a nynpho lesbian or anything.


If you feel you can't deal with these behavings, drink only until a point where you're still in control of your actions. Tell your boyfriend or friends not to let you get all sh*tfaced, until you have more tolerance and feel more in control.

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If you're now starting to feel like this when you're sober then I know what you're going through. My advise is for you to experience being with a girl and see how you feel.


I didn't do this and it's taken me 30 years and 2 marriages to realise I've been a lesbian in denial all my life. Please don't make the same mistakes I did.


Good luck.

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well 15 is a young age to be drinking maybe.... but u know when you are not drinking think to yuorself.. do u fantasize bout females? or have dreams? if you do porb u are a bisexual... its ok nothing to be scared bout many females find females attractive.. thats how nature has made us... and its a compulsion i guess that a guy and girl HAVE to be together....if there were no rules i guess there would be aloooooooooooooot of same sex partners... so check it out. wish u luck dear

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