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Okay well i just started this topic for everyone to share their story with their stuggles with Anxity disorders.

Im 20 years old. Ive had A anxity disorder for a little over a year now, and it recently esculated becuase my very close friend just passed away. So i needed to go ahead and start my therapy to rid this horrible disorder.

Ive been in therapy for just about a month now and now my therapist suggested id start medication soon. And thought it wud be best for me to take lexapro. Im a little hesitant about taking it because of the side effects such as weight gain and low sexdrive.

Im having a very hard time seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

Im scared im going to have to live with this the rest of my life.

Maybe if you guys can help me out by sharing your success stories with me and how you went about curing and being able to deal with your anxity disorder may help me out.

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Fall 2004 - I was having anxiety attack one right after the other and thinking how I should (must) kill myself.

Spring 2005 - I was happy most days, and positive 'overall'

Now - I can hardly believe that I went through that. In hindsight I see that I had generalized anxiety disorder through most of my life, and I resent the lost time, but the coping skills I have learned enable me to handle, smoothly, situations 'normal' people tend to exagerate.

What helped?...

1. anxiety (for me anyway) is caused by unreconciled emotional conflict. One of the books I read says that anxiety is ALWAYS unexpressed anger, now I don't know about that but I made an effort to understand and reconcile the issues in my life that pissed me off.

2. Kava Kava - I took the 1/2 dose for 2 months, this stopped the 'heart rush' of the anxiety attacks, the only side effect was that I was tired all the time.

3. Therapists - I had two therapists that allowed me to talk about anything including my fd up childhood and always responded in the most helpfull manner (unlike my family/friends).

4. Coping skills - I actually learned how to deal with stuff in a positive/usefull way.


The Feeling Good Hadbook, by David D Burns - this book actually freaked me out a bit but it shows how to think things through instead of getting stuck in useless thoughtloops.

Too Perfect, by Allan E Mallinger - exposed the motive behind a lot of things that were messing me up.


If all else fails.... figure out WHY it failed.

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1. anxiety (for me anyway) is caused by unreconciled emotional conflict. One of the books I read says that anxiety is ALWAYS unexpressed anger, now I don't know about that but I made an effort to understand and reconcile the issues in my life that pissed me off.



Precisely. This is where I KNOW the majority of my generalized anxiety disorder stems. I have been pissed off about so much, and I am just now finally able to express it. It's hard facing the demons, but you'll be better for it.

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  • 5 months later...

Hello i just found this website i recently got food poisioning which then lead me to anxiety and depression its so weird one day i was so fine then the next day im crying cant figure out whats going on seem dazed go into a zombie like stage at chilis when i was sitting there and my wife is like you'll be fine and then my docotor tells me i have a chemical imbalance that leads me to taking paxil i am starting to get sleep well a little now its scary how this all happened at work the people can even tell the difference its as if someone turned a light switch. my stomach was weird also now its snapping back to normal i lost alot of weight i just hope this all just stops and goes away. what can i do to keep my mind at eaz when im home alone?

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