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its her birthday today: shud i break NC

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Don't break NC for a b-day. It's just an excuse to contact the ex and try to feel the waters I think. What if there is no response or a response that you really don't like? That will be a major setback in healing.



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the question that comes to my mind is ... so what if she cheated on me,so what if she sucked my life out of me , i can't stope being the nice person thaat i am, i know it sounds too cliched but, i dont expect a responce.... really sorry but i m in a dilemma... the good part though is that i am not drinking my woes away today. she s not worth it.

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Realize whatever you do, won't change what has happened. I posted a thread the other week regarding this same question and from all the posting concluded: Do what is right for you, and what will make you happy.


-If you send a happy birthday text, have absolutely no expectations of the outcome of sending it. Do it for your own piece of mind if you think you'll feel like crappola if you don't.


-Don't send one if you are doing this to see if she'll react in any way. Even if she does, again it doesn't change what has happened. Don't send one if you have an alterior motive to it.


But, even after all that, since you are posting and sound very confused as to whether or not you should you probably shouldn't. Any response or no response will most likely upset you and cause a major speedbump again. Its a speedbump just getting by the birthday, do you really want to make it worse if she never says 'thank you' to your nice gesture. I think not.


I wouldn't rock the boat, in the end it aint really worth it. I know thats what I am going to do even though it'll bother me not to do anything. At least that way there's nothing to regret.

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the question that comes to my mind is ... so what if she cheated on me,so what if she sucked my life out of me , i can't stope being the nice person thaat i am, i know it sounds too cliched but, i dont expect a responce.... really sorry but i m in a dilemma... the good part though is that i am not drinking my woes away today. she s not worth it.


The bottom line is that you don't owe her anything; especially after things like that. I didn't even know it was like that when I originally responded, and that description is pretty bad.


It's not about being a nice guy-- don't be a tool, don't call her. You know, as hard as that is to say, don't be a tool. You don't owe her anything, but even moreso, you've come this far with no contact. It's JUST her birthday; try to think of it as literal as it is.

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i broke NC a couple days ago on what wouldve been our 4 year anniversary. i left the ex a voicemail just saying hello and wishing her well. she replied with a txt msg stating, "have a great summer". It broke my heart getting that txt, for some reason, and Ive been relapsing these last couple days because of it. id say dont contact her, but at the same time... do what you feel you must do. if i hadnt called her on our anniversary, it would still be crawling around in my head....

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i broke NC a couple days ago on what wouldve been our 4 year anniversary. i left the ex a voicemail just saying hello and wishing her well. she replied with a txt msg stating, "have a great summer". It broke my heart getting that txt, for some reason, and Ive been relapsing these last couple days because of it. id say dont contact her, but at the same time... do what you feel you must do. if i hadnt called her on our anniversary, it would still be crawling around in my head....

thats wht i m bothered about, there is a party in a few hrs, everyone's been invited. i dont plan to go, i only intended to text her.


but i dont want to be looked upon as mean by everyone else, i know, it might harm my healing process, i think i wont attach too much importance to it.If its NC , it will remain so.

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no , i m not contacting her and thts final , thank you all


Just heard this beautiful song by lobo.I guess i m not in love with her anyomore but i cant help being a die hard romantic.


this one goes out to love ( not lovers)


cheers everyone


I stopped sending flowers to your apartment

You said you aren't home much anymore

I stopped dropping by without an appointment

Cause I'd hear laughter coming through your door.


Sometimes late at night you'll still call me

Just before you close your eyes to sleep

You make me vow to try and stop by sometime

Baby that's a promise I'can't keep.


I love you too much to ever start liking you

So lets just let the story kinds end

I love you too much to ever start liking you

So don't expect me to be your friend.


I don't walk down through the village or other places

That we used to go to all the time

I'm trying to erase you from my memory

Cause thinking of you jumbles up my mind.


You always act so happy when I see you

You smile that way you take my hand and then

Introduce me to your latest lover

That's when I feel the walls start crashing in.

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