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oh dear god I need some help NOW!

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I'm glad that she good the bloodwork done. Is she taking a multivitamin?


You two should try to come up with a plan of how you are going to approach your parents. It's important to share this once you have the pregnancy confirmed, so you can get the news out, let your parents have time to react, and then hopefully get their support as the pregnancy progresses.


How is your gf feeling?


How are you feeling?

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Having protected sex does not mean she won't get pregnant. On average condoms are only 86% effective. Many people qoute a 98% statistic but that statistic is only accurate if everything is perfect which it doesn't sound like it would be in this situation. That means that if you have sex 10 times you risk her being pregnant once. Are you really being much of a friend at all if you are willing to subject her to possible diseases, having to raise a child at a young age, and the emotional fallout when you break up. It is generally much harder for a girl when she breaks up with someone she has been sexually active with. If you are at all afraid of having a child with her then you are not mature enough to have sex with her.

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Having protected sex does not mean she won't get pregnant. On average condoms are only 86% effective. Many people qoute a 98% statistic but that statistic is only accurate if everything is perfect which it doesn't sound like it would be in this situation. That means that if you have sex 10 times you risk her being pregnant once. Are you really being much of a friend at all if you are willing to subject her to possible diseases, having to raise a child at a young age, and the emotional fallout when you break up. It is generally much harder for a girl when she breaks up with someone she has been sexually active with. If you are at all afraid of having a child with her then you are not mature enough to have sex with her.


Have you read ANY of this post whatsoever?

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I'm glad that she good the bloodwork done. Is she taking a multivitamin?


You two should try to come up with a plan of how you are going to approach your parents. It's important to share this once you have the pregnancy confirmed, so you can get the news out, let your parents have time to react, and then hopefully get their support as the pregnancy progresses.


How is your gf feeling?


How are you feeling?


We are currently working on that.


How is she feeling: Good / Nervous

How am I feeling: NERVOUS, SICK, SACRED, GOOD.

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Even if you are 18 you need to tell your parents. Just the fact that you are grounded tells me they still do have alot of involvement in your life.


The reason we have not told yet is because my parents don't really approve of her much. And so they will pretty much dis-own me and kick me out when we tell. So were waiting alittle bit. But her grandma does know not her parents yet but her grandma has been taking her to the doctor to get folic acid and stuff and prenatal stuff. It is up to me and my girlfriend if we want to keep it correct? Parents can try to force us but we don't always have to listen. My idea of when I tell my parents is I will probly get grounded for some unknown reason and my parents won't talk to me for awhile and they will always remain disappointed in me. Which I really don't care because they treat me like crap anyway. But then they will give in and let me see her and then help me and her out with this.


But I know its going to be hard and their's going to be a "LOT" of challenges. But me and my girlfriend are going to be strong and do everything we can to help this out. Were going to work together give it each 100% each and just take it slow and go from one step to another and move from challenge to challenge.

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hey hey hey!

sounding more confident i like it! this sounds a lot more mature and it seems like you are more focused to make this work. however i agree with the above posters..you have to tell your parents asap. the fact that they can still ground you means that they do possess an element of control over your life.


its good to know that atleast someone knows about this (your gf's gran) and she is being supportive - good good. sounding more confident here though..keep it up!

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I just had an option for your future, it could really help, assuming your g/f could deal with not having you around for a little bit.


Have you ever thought of the military(I only know how the US military works)? Yes you would have to go through basic and AIT (Advanced Individual Training), that only takes 3 months. But you get a $10,000 check once you join. If you did the National Guard, you would only have training on weekends. Plus, if you went active duty you could live on base and the military would give you a house. You would receive life insurance and health insurance. If you and your g/f get married... which I dont know if you want to do. But if you do marry, she would also be covered by your health and life insurance, as would your baby once it was born. The government would also pay for any college that you would want to take. You could take college night courses, and they would pretty much be free for you to take.


I don't know if it is an option you would want to do, but it is an option that would ultimately really help you. So I thought I would at least tell you some information on it.

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I agree this could definently help you out.


...But there IS a war going on.


I have thought about the military many times. But I am not sure if I am ready for the military. I really do want to join the Secret Service but theirs 2 ways to get into that. 1. Military way. 2. College way. I am not sure yet what I want to do. But I am interested so if you could supply me with some more information you can private message to me. That would be great. But I do want to spend alot of time with my kid. And ALOT of time with my girlfriend.

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I have thought about the military many times. But I am not sure if I am ready for the military. I really do want to join the Secret Service but theirs 2 ways to get into that. 1. Military way. 2. College way. I am not sure yet what I want to do. But I am interested so if you could supply me with some more information you can private message to me. That would be great. But I do want to spend alot of time with my kid. And ALOT of time with my girlfriend.


What? You're thinking about joining the military with your 18yo girlfriend pregnant?

You need to grow up really fast if you're going to raise this kid right.


Kid > Girlfriend by a LONG shot.

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What? You're thinking about joining the military with your 18yo girlfriend pregnant?

You need to grow up really fast if you're going to raise this kid right.


Kid > Girlfriend by a LONG shot.


He can actually join the military reserves and go one weekend a month and two weeks out of the year. That way he gets the bennies and can be there for his gf and kid too.


There are other options than being fully enlisted.


For an 18 year old who just found his gf is pregnant, I think the OP is doing remarkably well accepting and adjusting to his situation.


Let's give some credit where credit is due....

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Something bad happened today and well. On my answering machince my girlfriend got checked out early for a doctors appointment and she said quote on quote "I got some really really really really bad news". And I don't know what that means. But I got a feeling it was a miss carrage or something went wrong.

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