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Are You Addicted??? Be Honest

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I wanted to know how many of you TRULY think you're addicted to the internet? How many hours a day TOTAL do you log online?? Be honest with yourself.


I think I am addicted the the internet and sadly it's hard for me to stop.

When I am NOT working I am here. Wasting my life away.

How about you all.


Any tips on how to break this addiction?? Why can't I just log on for a few minutes then get off? It always turns into a few hours..then all day.


I am going to try to go cold turkey off the internet for a month.

I feel like a freakin drug addict. This is sad.

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I've struggled with this problem; it got really bad over the last year, too. You can overcome it, you just have to lay some ground rules for yourself and stick to them. For example, one hour in the morning, one hour in the evening, and that's it. It may take a few tries, but just like quitting smoking, give it another try when you fail.


The thing is, we KNOW we have other things we need to be doing, but we're not. So, it's important to ask yourself if there is any fear of those other things, or any other reason we don't want to do them. I'm a freelance copywriter, and sometimes I found myself on the Internet when I should have been writing. I realized that I am afraid sometimes I won't write a project well, or the subject material is boring to me. Once you know the reasons why you're putting something off, it's easier to tackle.


Also, the Internet is addictive because the content is constantly updated/refreshed, so there is always something "new" to check out. It's a very easy way to temporarily relieve boredom. But not ultimately so.


So, if you are bored with your life in general, I think you are extra susceptible to an Internet addiction. Obviously, that means some changes need to be made in your life.

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I'm on the internet for roughly 10 1/2 hours a day. But its only because I'm at work. I have a job which is really boring and I don't like it, so I surf the internet for the entire day. And let me tell you, after you've been on a computer for 10+ hours a day for months and months at a time, it gets really hard to find new stuff to look at. I'm sick of myspace. I honestly can't think of anything to google. The only thing that entertains me is this site cause there is tons of new content throughout the day. If I didn't have this job, I would probably average maybe 30 minutes to an hour a day on the internet.


Why don't you try find new things to do that don't involve the internet. Like hanging with friends, seeing movies, taking a walk, learning a craft. Good luck, theres a lot more to this world besides the internet!

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Thanks Scout. I guess my life is boring. I have a job thats ok, but I'm not married, no kids yet. I go on dating sites, so maybe I am looking for a reason to get "out there". Dating online is easy..lol. No makeup needed.


I like the idea of just coming online for a limited time. Are you doing that now too?

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I feel like I'm in a comfort zone on the internet I guess. No one knows me here...and I like that. Do any of you feel like you lose touch with the real world by being online so much? How the hell did we ever get by without the computer before??

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I like the idea of just coming online for a limited time. Are you doing that now too?


For the most part, yes. But my schedule is pretty clear this week, so I've been spending more time on eNotalone. I do have to (and want to) devote time to this site, because I lead the royal member team. But even before that, I was coming here for three years, and I genuinely enjoy the opportunity to help a few folks, if I can. However, I've had to limit my time on here, because I can get carried away. The Internet can suck up weeks and months of your life if you're not careful.

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I use the net for surfing mostly. For me it's mostly a seasonal thing... I mean, one week I might spend a lot of time online, checking ebay out and stuff and most of the time it's about music-related stuff (tabs, instruments, how to's, etc... I've been trying to teach myself how to play reggae, and I started by looking around the net trying to learn a little about the basics and stuff and I spent a lot of time online that day). But the next week I might not log on but for like 5 minutes a day just to check my email. What I'm addicted to is caffeinated soft drinks (more specifically coke zero, and diet pepsi), lol...

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I dont believe that addiction can be measured by how much time you spend online. I think that being addicted to the internet means that you stay home purposely so that you can log on and do whatever it is that you do on the internet.

I do believe that some peoples lives do revolve around the internet but as long as they do other things and the internet isnt keeping them from being social then I dont see an addiction.

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I've been a netnut for years, and to me it's just part of the real world.

When I came here, I stopped annoying folks on other sites and they emailed looking for me. I've met about a dozen folks in the other world that I first met online, and they seem normal enough.


I like to read and write and learn. Since becoming single, I have time on my hands. Guess I'm a pathetic loser without a life.

Works for me.

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I dont believe that addiction can be measured by how much time you spend online. I think that being addicted to the internet means that you stay home purposely so that you can log on and do whatever it is that you do on the internet.

I do believe that some peoples lives do revolve around the internet but as long as they do other things and the internet isnt keeping them from being social then I dont see an addiction.



Oh, OK then. By THAT definition......


....I'm VERY addicted!

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I think if you feel there is an addiction you need to set some rules for yourself.


I rarely go online on the weekends or evenings because that is time I spend with my husband, friends, and family. While I value the time spent on this site, I would never prioritize it over them.


I rarely watch television at all- on a rainy day alone- with nothing else to do- I find it more mentally stimulating to be here. I like helping people- and it feels more productive than watching TV.


I tend to post the most during the day, at work- mainly because there are pockets of "dead time" in my day. If no students/cleints are calling, there's time in-between meetings, and there's no reports to work on- I'll post. Otherwise, I won't. I keep myself signed into the site- and check in now and then.


If the internet begins to effect your job, your relationships, your productivity at home, then it is indeed a problem and it should be addressed.



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I rarely watch television at all- on a rainy day alone- with nothing else to do- I find it more mentally stimulating to be here. I like helping people- and it feels more productive than watching TV.


Excellent point, BD.

It's perfectly "normal" for folks to watch hours of TV, of course no one admits to watching Idol or Cops. I don't have a TV.

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enotalone is extremely addicting. i used it initially for counseling and overcoming my breakup. now i like reading what people post (so many different people out there and giving advice when i can. i think i spend about 10 hours online (including work)


last nite when i went home, our dsl was down and i wasn't sure what to do because i was looking forward to going to my usual websites (link removed, enotalone, link removed) and instead i just read a book while i ate dinner. luckily, my bro resolved the problem (we just signed up with a new provider) and i ended up reading enotalone and playing games until 1am.


however, whenever i go travelling or know i'm not going to use a computer, i have no problems with this. it's just when i'm in my "routine", i like to visit certain websites.

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I think I'm highly addicted to it! I spend most of my time on it!I remember when I didn't have the internet & I was extremely depressed, I would literally go crazy because I don't have much of a social life outside of it sad to say. It's so much for you to do, whether it's designing your myspace page,downloading music & movies,talking to friends or even making friends. The possibilities are endless & it really gives me something to do when I'm home alone by myself. I find it hard to pry myself a day away from the internet lol. I need to be focusing on excercising & other hobbies..

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didn't read the thread, but I can honestly say I'm not addicted to internet. I do visit often because I spend my days painting on computer, and sometimes I just can't focus anymore and have to take a break and either go and walk around my house or browse some news or forums or something. I'm addicted to the painting program though

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