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my life is so perfect... my sucide is just an accident..

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Annie, Maggie, Joyce, Christin and friends


I have good reasons not to kill myself...


1. kill myself will hurt my love ones.

2. my emenies will be happy and laugh.

3. I have two lovely children and a wife.

4. my new lakeview house is under construction.

5. after 6 months of waiting, my new S550 will be here tomorrow.

6. everybody thinks my life is perfect..


Sound like good reasons to not kill myself?


I've married for 9 years, my wife can't find a reason to leave me... I work hard, make a lot of money, two wonderful kids, nice house and I never cheated her..

I've been working 18 hours a day and 365 a year for the last 9 years. Can't remember when was the last vacation, forgot my own birthday. have sex once a year just because we want to have baby. My wife doesn't love me anymore... We just stay together, so our kids have parents... I buy her roses , she smiled and never look at them again. I feel lonely and she doesn't understand me at all... I have no other family member... my kids are too young to remember me, it's better for me to leave now.... hope my wife will find them a good father with the money.


I worked so hard and tried to build a perfect family.... but I am destroying it in the process... It's my fault...


I met a married woman a year ago, she loved me and understand me...I did not know. We were business partner for 11 months. Two weeks after we finished the project. I realized that she's the one I love... but it's too late.. she went back to her looser husband with money in the bank and a broken heart.


Money can't buy happiness... trust me..my life was a million times happier when I was poor... simple life is a good life....


life becomes too complicated when you tried to make it perfect. I want everything looks perfect... I will make my suicide looks like an accident so friends won't try to figure out why. I don't want to go to heaven because it's too perfect for me... hell is better place to be...


good bye...

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I've been working 18 hours a day and 365 a year for the last 9 years.


That's just crazy. I had a cousin who was similar. He worked ridiculous hours, made many millions of dollars, holiday houses, beautiful wife, kids but was one of the unhappiest people I knew.


It hit him one day and he took a 6 month sabbatical from work. Travelled around Australia for 6 months in a caravan with the family. Grew his hair long, went surfing.


Went back to work, hated it , lasted another 6 months and retired at 41. For good. He found what he was missing on his sabbatical.


You don't have a life. You have an existence. I think you have to learn to find a way to re-prioritise the things that make up your world.

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there are so many people with situations far worse than yours who face their challenges and struggle through from one day to the next. people wasting away from deadly disease, people who are the victims of repeated horrifying abuse. people who have lost the use of their limbs, their sight, their families or their freedom. you will find these folks all over the world, fighting hard against the storms of fate. what do they have that you don't? nothing but the right idea.


everything wrong in your life can be fixed without resorting to an unnatural death. there is nothing glorious or noble about trying to make it look like an accident--you will be disgracefully depriving your children of a normal life and i don't think you have to consider anything else to know the right thing to do.


suicide - out


inaction - out


by process of elimination then, it's just time to fix your life. therapy and/or marriage counseling are a good start, if you're not doing these things already.


the truly heroic choice is to fight on. hell, if i can do it, anybody can. let's not take the coward's way out, huh? wake the resolve sleeping inside of you you to stare your problems down and bend them to your will. you do have it in you, i promise.

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the truly heroic choice is to fight on. hell, if i can do it, anybody can. let's not take the coward's way out, huh? wake the resolve sleeping inside of you you to stare your problems down and bend them to your will. you do have it in you, i promise.



Slightlybent knows what to do; listen!

Suicide is craven and possibly unsuccessful; there are numerous accounts of people who survive attempted suicides--including hurdling off bridges! And all of them state the second they feel they are actually going to die; "What have I done...?" Do you want to regret something so damning?

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You seem in the worst kind of golden rut.

A martyr to money can burn out fast. You could kill yourself or you could step away from the ratrace as many do, and discover what you really enjoy. Not stuff or money, or trying to buy love.

Maybe you should just stop. Stop doing everything that makes you miserable, and go look around for a life for yourself.


Suicide hurts people, as you know. Why hurt them?

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Hi calcium,


A few years ago I had similar feelings. I cut lose a business which overloaded me and two women and live a much simpler and happy now with time for my gf and a bunch of kids.


One problem is your wife and family. Your work hours and lack of time for her may have destroyed her love for you. Please put yourself into her shoes.


I like to share with you what I learned about to deal with depression. What is depression? Depression is a mental pain caused by an imbalance between expectations and ability. To make the pain go away, one has to improve ones ability (do better) and/or change ones expectations. In other words, to avoid depression, one ought to balance ability and expectations. Balance is it, as so often in life. From: Reference materials and more info. There is lots of other useful stuff too.


Look at it from a balance perspective and cut what brings you down and add what builds you up.


Please be patient with yourself and your family.


We always will be here for you.

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suicide is not the anwser for anything, dont run from life, live and face your problems because your worth it (everyone is). Suicide doesnt fix one thing my dad killed himself five years ago and it has f*cked up my family completely, my family is still a mess because of my dads death, and i dont talk to most of my family anymore. It hurts alot when someone dies but when they find out it was suicide it hurts alot more and leavving people ask why?


So please dont kill yourself, things will get better it just takes time, things will improve anyday now. Think about how everyone will feel and how hurt they will be and your kids when they are older found out there dad killed themself

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You don't want to kill yourself, you want to kill your life.


Seriously, get yourself a shrink and get yourself a holiday. Clear out everything that isn't necessary to your life. Find out what makes you happy, and do that.


A lot of money is all well and good but if you don't enjoy life then it doesn't mean anything. You only go around once, so make the best of it. Don't abort it prematurely.


I tried the 9-5 37hrs a week work thing for about two straight years and it nearly drove me suicidal. How you have managed to keep it up for nine years is a testament to the strength you have inside. Put it to good use. On yourself.

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Hi calcium54


Do you know your are commiting sucide.


Your working 18 hour days at 365 days a year and have been for 9 years.


What you have done is killed your life, each day you must get up with out hope and walk out into another 18 hour day, of gray death.


All you have told us is that you will now kill your body to compleat the job you started.


Thats the hard fact here you did this to yourself, you can blame others and the world if you like but lets be honest here, you work the hours you do becuse you dont know how to do any thing ealse, but there is hope here, death is not the way out of your half life.


STOP WORKING SO HARD, have a brake, take your wife and the kids away and see if you can give them some of that time you have been plowing into your job.


See life is finnight you only have so much and no one ever lay on there death bed and said.


"I wish I had spent less time with my family and more at work"


The woman you met you met at work doing work, dos that not seem odd to you, you say shes the one but was she, would she be the same at home not doing work? waiting for you 18 hours a day at home?.


You stand befor 2 doors

one leads to Obliveion

the othere to less work more family.


One leads to nothing the othere to giving and reseving Joy.


Lisen to what others have said here and chouse,


I know which one I would go throw and never look back the one with my kids on the other side.

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If you can work that much without becoming suicidal, I'd be surprised.

I once was on a similar schedule and was taken from work to an ER when my heart acted up. Since then work is just a part of my life, and I'm happier.

BTW, I drive an old dented car and have no idea what a S550 is, but I imagine it'll be crushed in a junkyard in 30 years. What about you?

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you sound like a good person, dont kill yourself. we all have only one life, so just take a different turn in life. do what makes you happy. i learned that being with the right person makes you happy like nothing else, so find yourself a different woman. leaving your wife is better than leaving the world at all. dont stay just for kids - it never works and no one is happy in the end.

contact the lady you love, find the right woman for you and you will be happy. and take a nice holiday with her.

take care

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I'm sure your dream was to have enough money so you could do the things you always dreamed of, maybe worked part-time and spend more time with your family, whatever that dream isn't it time to make those changes now? You could just sell up, invest the money and live off the interest? You have choices. Use them.


Take a well deserved holiday and have some fun with your kids for a change at very least. I think maybe your wife is living with a stranger, isn't it time you spent time alone with her too? Having a good long talk is exactly what you need to do at this crisis point in your life.

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Think of your kids... You say they are too little right now and wouldn't remember you. Think of all the things you'll miss out on with them. Their first cars, graduation, them starting their own families. Can you deal with them being raised by another man 24/7 until they are grown? Just because you weren't happy with your life and wanted to change it? Sounds like you are financially set. Take a vacation, get some counseling with your wife and try to fix things. Don't try escape. Your family DOES need you....

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I agree with everyone else here, your life sounds pretty miserable at the moment. Luckily for you, you could fix half the things that are making you feel terrible in less than a day. Take off long service leave from your job, spend some time with your wife, or with friends, try to figure out when your birthday is. Go overseas on holiday, or drive the car somewhere, I imagine you have enough money to do all these things without having to worry financially.


Stopping work now would have the same impact financially as killing yourself, to your family, so there's no real reason to suicide, you'd be giving up years and years of potential happiness! If you're really set on suicide, at least go on a holiday first, and try doing all the things you've always dreamt of doing first.

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