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I know your world just collapsed i know your heart has shattered to a million pieces. The only thing i can tell you..is what i learned from my mistakes. There is nothing you can do or say to make your ex significant other change their mind..letters gifts begging tears will only humiliate you even further and reashure your ex that they did the right thing by dropping you...leave with dignity and pride..not like a little child crying for his mommy to return. I was looking at my exes pics today...I am not going to lie i will miss her for a good time..she still creeps into my head daily....1o months after the break..i know she is happy living with her new man but there is nothing we can do but let go....let go of the hope..this is the third time she decided she did not love me like i loved her..three friggin times she took my heart and tossed it in the garbage..and i made a fool of myself to try to win her back..like that was ever going to happen..please be strong , stay on your no contact path and heal ... no one knows how long it will take..dont worry about people bashing you about how you still have not gotten over this person..if you love unconditionally...that means you left yourself vulnerable and now you are left with nothind but painfull memories and what if's. But in time those feeling will supress and you will live your life the way it was meant to be lived .. happy and with no regrets...i miss her a whole lot, but she is just a memory nothing more...reconciliation is imposible...trust me even if it happens it will fade quickly and hurt more .. BE STRONG , and everything will be ok before you know it...any form of contact will get you back to almost square one.

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You are right... I did the begging, the flowers, the cards, the crying, begging her not to do this, begging her to go to marriage counseling with me instead of leaving me for this other guy.


She was stone cold through all my pleading. How is it that showing your raw emotion about how much you love them pushes them away even more?

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Even though you hit the nail right on the head, no one is going to listen to you who hasnt gone through a breakup before. I say this from experience. I knew this was the right thing to do 6 months ago, but did I do it? of course not. Your brain wants to think that in able to win them back you must show them that you still love them, care for them, and want to be with them. I used to read how no contact is the only way to go, but of course I made a fool out of myself, dragged on the breakup for 6 more months, and then got my heart shattered again. O the lessons you learn the hard way! I look forward to growing from this one day, and eventually telling my children what I learned when they go through there first breakups.

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