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What do YOU find to be attractive????

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imho, a rock-solid definition of physical attractiveness can ironically be found in the OP's own profile pic. look at that miles-deep expression:




her personality, from what i know of it, exudes a similarly defining radiance. alas, it is far too brilliant to be captured fully in a mere photograph.


(a thousand pardons if this embarrasses you, TRQ... someone had to say it)


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Well someone had to say it, I think most of us noticed that the original poster was in fact very attractive herself, and somewhat artistically photographed. It's one of the heartening things about enotalone that such attractive people can have such down to earth standards.

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-Nice, soulful eyes. Blue are nice.

-Taller than I am

-Smile that makes you smile

-Not a whole lot skinnier than I am


-Can make me laugh

-Loves/appreciates music

-Not typical jock-y

-Subtle- not complete center of attention


-Can hold up a conversation

-Isn't too serious all the time

-Isn't too goody-goody... will take risks with me


Got it.

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I agree with this!


For some reason I have ALWAYS been fascinated by powerful women.


I don't know what it is that I love about Feminine power, but it just intriques.


I loved Linda Carter as Wonder Woman; I adore Pam Grier in all of her movies; Uma Thurman in Kill Bill; Cynthia Rothrock(the female action star); Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct; Sarah Michelle Gellar in Cruel Intentions; Lucy Lui in Kill Bill, Daryl Hannah in Kill Bill, and Vivica A. Fox in KB; not to mention Rosario Dawson as Gale in Sin City. And of course Sarah Conner in both Terminator movies.


Even though I'm gay I am just fascinated with powerful women...lol.

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I've liked various intellectully and physically strong women in my life and wonder if the popular image of guys preferring femmie weak women is so much baloney. Maybe just a role that makes insecure men feel, by contrast, stong and powerful.

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How did I miss this thread? I must have been En Vacance....


I like to think I'm an open minded individual, but I like a guy to only be slightly taller than me (so quite short really... 5ft 7 or 8), thin, dark, longish hair, intelligent, offbeat sense of humour, tolerant.


This is the best bit...I got 'im! (after a couple of years of searching!) There's something to smile about!!!

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i read all the post in this thread...and see which most describe me . i think i'm near to the qualities kevint's looking....lol


for me... Attraction is really the most important thing.

i like a guy with sense of humor, funny-he should know how to make me laugh or else he's dismiss (it's very easy). sensual, tall, smile, family oriented, who have goals in life. a guy who can cook and a guy with a big heart- bigger than this-->

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i read all the post in this thread...and see which most describe me . i think i'm near to the qualities kevint's looking....lol


for me... Attraction is really the most important thing.

i like a guy with sense of humor, funny-he should know how to make me laugh or else he's dismiss (it's very easy). sensual, tall, smile, family oriented, who have goals in life. a guy who can cook and a guy with a big heart- bigger than this-->


lol How about that? =P


Seriously though, I'm pretty picky. Did you read that list? I expect a lot (otherwise I don't think I'd be single).


(Heck, I think I may just be going for what I did the first time... O_o)


I know one thing, I'm definitely not the guy with the qualities you listed. I can't cook at all. lmao I live off of ravioli in a can and cereal. lol (It's true, actually.)

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lol How about that? =P


Seriously though, I'm pretty picky. Did you read that list? I expect a lot (otherwise I don't think I'd be single).


(Heck, I think I may just be going for what I did the first time... O_o)


I know one thing, I'm definitely not the guy with the qualities you listed. I can't cook at all. lmao I live off of ravioli in a can and cereal. lol (It's true, actually.)


I like long hair on a girl, the longer the better (within reason). I prefer straight hair, but I do like all types. I like feminine girls who dress well and take care of their appearance (if they don't dress well or care what they look like, why should I?)


I'm not into body piercings or tattooes, they just look cheap and turn me off

I don't have any, just my ears. one pierce per ear.

I'm a sucker for a cute face and a pretty smile. I suppose I favour blonde hair, but I've seen many hot redheads and brunettes too, so I can't really say I prefer blondes much anymore, there's just more of them.
just not blonde, i'm asian...

I would never date a girl who outweighed me, but I'm not really into the super-skinny girls either. I prefer someone kind of medium or "average" size, I guess you could say. I want someone with some "curves" in the right places, of course. lol I used to hate glasses on a girl, but lately, I've been seeing some pretty attractive girls wearing glasses and they look good on them! So I think glasses are cool now, though I do prefer no glasses on a girl.


I really like girls who are kind of soft-spoken and have a gentle sounding voice. Basically, someone somewhat quiet and sweet sounding. I'm not into loud, boisterous women, although being extraverted and talkative is fine, just as long as she isn't a loud-mouth who tries to control every conversation. I find girls who have a higher (but not shrill) sounding voice to be very attractive. I find a deep voice in a girl to be a huge turn-off; probably because I see it as being masculine trait. I also love shorter girls. 5' - 5'6" is ideal, IMO.

check, check, check, check....lol

Moving on to inner qualities: I find a girl with a kind heart to be most attractive. Someone who cares about other people, not just herself, someone who wants to do something good for this world and the people who live here, someone who always sees the good in others and doesn't hold grudges is very attractive to me. Girls who like kids and want kids of their own (eventually, not right away!! lol) are also really attractive. It shows they'd eventually make a good mother. I really value and respect girls who appreciate kids, the underpriveleged and their families. Girls with goals and dreams are important too, but she doesn't have to make a lot of money (I can do that for both of us!) Someone who is traditionally-minded, who values God and faith is also crucially important to me, but not a religious zealot. (Faith in God is enough, thanks. lol)

love kids, not religious but i believe in God.

Lastly, since I'm such a romantic, touchy-feely sap... I tend to go for those types of girls. The ones who are physically affectionate, sweet and sensitive. I am a very physically expressive person and tend to express my feelings better with touch than with words, so I'd need someone who would do the same. If I ever went to hold hands with a girl and she wouldn't take my hand (after we had been dating a bit, for example), then I'd be very hurt and would probably dump her. I expect someone who loves romance and enjoys spending time together with me; long walks on the beach at sunset, watching the stars go down together at night, a romantic dinner just the two of us... I love crap like that! lol (I didn't want to sound too sappy there, hence the word "crap". lol)


Also, a girl who loves spending time outdoors, with nature is also a must. I love nature, animals and the outdoors. Can't stand being cooped up inside all day in the summer! A sense of humour and an optimistic point of view is very attractive as well.


Anyway, that's about it. I know there's more, but those are the main ones, I think. Oh yes, and I cannot stand girls who smoke, drink excessively or use drugs. I avoid them like the PLAGUE. (Probably why it is so hard to meet an attractive girwho DOESN'T do those things.) And of course, I'd want someone who could love and accept me just as I am, not try to change me. I won't change for anyone and if she could not accept it, it would be her loss! (I'm very stubborn.)

I don't smoke- never tried smoking.drink socially. never did drugs. i'm stubborn too, so i won't change for anyone, just for myself .


yeah, you can't cook. can't stand canned foods (once in awhile will be ok). cereals- i love it...

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Hehe, back luck you two, shame you only know each other off t'internet. I was thinking if only everyone we come accross in our everyday lives was like the people here on enotalone those of us who as having trouble finding partners wouldn't find it so difficult. Guess we'd best spend more time getting under people's skins.

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1) a gentleman

2) cultured (liking music, art or something)

3) someone I can kick back and relax with

4) someone i can have fun with

5) mature - i don't want to have to babysit him when we go out

6) physicaly reasonable looking. doesn't have to be gorgeous, just someone who takes a bit of pride in his appearance and hygiene.

7) someone with a spine but a soft-side too

and someone who will NOT compare me with his mother

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The most attractive thing in a girl to me is that she is affectionate. not as in sex, but just someone who really like being close to me and being held or likes to put her head on my shoulder, that type of thing. after that the most attractive thing to me is someone who is seems innocent and who is sort of quiet and shy, but smart, and smiles alot. physically, the most attractive thing to me is a small petite girl.


The main thing that I find unattractive is a loud, cocky, full of herself type girl. I dont have anything against tomboy kind of girls, but usually those two seem to go together.

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I'm an introvert and am attracted to introverted guys. When I think of extraverts, I think of the loud, obnoxious "I'm all that" types and that's a major turn off, in anyone.

I'm attracted to guys that are smart, share similar interests, and/or can make me laugh. It's also a real turn on when they lay it on thick. lol

I like a guy that can have fun and has some sense of adventure. I'm a Sagittarius, and I don't like to sit around never do anything fun.

Physically, I've always been an eyes, lips and hair girl. If a guy's got great eyes, lips and hair, it makes the rest of him just as hot regardless of body type.

I'd like to have someone romantic & affectionate too. Being emotionally distant is a huge turn off and stressful to have to put up with.

Honesty is a definate must, of course.

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  • 1 month later...

It used to be the case with me... just up till a couple of years ago I would become infatuated with any girl who showed even the slightest bit of interest... mild flirting... anything. Even if she was in all other respects not a very nice person and/or I didn't find her very attractive. I've stopped doing that thankfully

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