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What do YOU find to be attractive????

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What types of guys/girls are you attracted to?


What kinds of qualities/characteristics do you find attractive in potential mates?


I tend to be attracted to shy-ish men, who enjoy spending time alone with themselves


I am pretty extroverted, so I find introversion attractive in men.


I am attracted to honest men, who say what they mean, and mean what they say


I am attracted to "mad scientist" type of men, rational with a twist of Tom Robbins


I am attracted to thinkers, who whether they agree or disagree with my thoughts and opinions, at least have their own.


I am attracted to happy, generally well-adjusted men, who are physically active and adventurous and, who are more or less naturalists at heart


I tend to be attracted to emotionally distant men. Why? I dunno I guess I enjoy thawing their hearts


anyway, there are a bunch more to list but now it's someone else's turn....

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I'm attracted to someone who can make me laugh at myself.

I'm attracted to someone who can stand up for himself and not be a coward.

I'm attracted to someone who doesn't take life so seriously.

I'm attracted to tall, nerdy types, if they have glasses... even better.

Just a few things that came to mind...

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I'm attracted to easy going, independent girls. Not too sporty, but a little athletic and active. Mostly what stands out to me is if the girl is nice, fun, and happy. I also like a girl that can spend time on her own and not always need my attention, as much as I love to give it, I like to have my "me time" too. That's just a short list though....would be too much to put my long one!

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1. One that is already grown up, I hate to have to raise a grown man!

2. One that I don't have to lead around by the hand and teach everything!

3. Has a sense of humor!

4. Good looking in and out of bed!

5. Kind and gentle heart!

6. One who knows what I want w/o having to explain myself often! (some guys just have a natural talent in picking up on what women want, I like this)

And, the list goes on.....

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1. One that is already grown up, I hate to have to raise a grown man!

2. One that I don't have to lead around by the hand and teach everything!

3. Has a sense of humor!

4. Good looking in and out of bed!

5. Kind and gentle heart!

6. One who knows what I want w/o having to explain myself often! (some guys just have a natural talent in picking up on what women want, I like this)


This guy sounds perfect, where is he? let's share him

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I always went for smart, funny women that follow their heart without pretense or vanity. Someone who doesn't say ewww at nature.

A serene goofy bundle of wisdom.


With big knockers.

Just kiddin'


What if they see awe in nature but say ewww to bugs?


knock knock

who's there?


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1. tall, like, at least 6'0"

2. Not fat

3. extra super goofy/funny, cuz i get bored easily

4. ambitious and goal oriented

5. aggressive, but still a gentleman

6. and of course, being hot as hell helps a whole lot, but not required!!

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I really don't know why I am attracted to the people I am.


My ideal mate would be:

1) Smart

2) Attractive (to me anyway)

3) Good head on her shoulders

4) Doesn't mind chivalery

5) funny, or at the very least thinks im funny.

6) has similar interests

7) loves watching movies

8) wants to work out with me at the gym.

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What if they see awe in nature but say ewww to bugs?


Well, a few months ago I slept in the open with a column of gnats over the warmth of my body. Bats caught them a few feet above my face. Kangaroo rats were jumping on me cleaning up breadcrumbs.

Some women might eeew that.

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I think people have their ideal mate in their head but lets face it how many of us actually get the ideal mate.



cleans up well, and doesnt have to be dolled up all the time

isnt affraid to try new things

a person who wants to experience life

and take chances

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Someone who doesn't play "games"

Someone who values the content of a person's character more than the outer appearance

Someone who doesn't flake out; if they lose interest, they are honest with it and act mature

Someone who isn't naive and/or arrogant

Someone who isn't like everyone else her age

Someone who has goals in life

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I would first have to be physically attracted to him then comes these other qualities, which I would look for:


1) No cursing (unless it was just this one time occasions, ex: Failed an important exam you study hard for)

2) Being honest

3)Not much into jokes, esp. not those sarcastic comments

4) Isn't afraid to show emotions nor to cry out

5) Fixes and takes care of himself

6) Ins't co-dependent

7) Is liberal and not old-fashioned

8) Wise and smart


then finally, this one might be a hard one, but here goes: That he's a virgin.

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