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Rediculously intense orgasm

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So I was over my girlfriend's house last night. She decided that she didn't want to have sex because she didn't want her parents to hear anything; So, she gave me a nice blowjob.


Now here's where it gets interesting: Upon completion I had a normal orgasm; nothing special. However, I stood up after about 10 seconds to put back on my pants, and I HAD to sit back down. I literally felt like I was high x 10,000,000. It was the most amazing feeling I've ever experienced. My head started to tilt to the right and this glorious feeling of weightlessness enveloped me. I only saw white for about five seconds until I came back to normal.


It was so good...and I hope to have more of them. This definetly wasn't a headrush.


So, can anyone explain, or attempt to explain why this happened?

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Coming from a female perspective, I've had that feeling after an orgasm. I usually try not to orgasm while standing up, but when I have, I feel like I have to sit down right away. One time, I kind of saw white too and the sound (I was in the shower) of the water sounded different. I felt like I was going to collapse.


But if you think about it, when you orgasm, your blood is rushing down to your penis, er, or vagina depending on which sex you're talking about. Anyway, when you do orgasm, your heart rate is going fast because you get so excited. So when you stand up after you orgasm, sometimes you get lightheaded because your body is trying to recover from this "rush".


My suggestion is to just sit there for 2 minutes and let your body recover. It may not happen again or it may, but it's best to just lie down or sit for a minute.


whether it happens if your orgasm is really intense or not, I don't know. It's happened to me both ways.

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Probably what happened is when you stood up you deprived your brain of oxygen. More than likely it was a headrush, but coming down off an orgasm that headrush magnified whatever leftover orgasm that was going on in your brain.

Some people do this on purpose, choke themselves or others when they orgasm to magnify it. Obviously this is an idiotic practice and you should never do it.

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