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Dear Redmage22,


I know your struggling and I know you're hurting inside. But things have to change in your life for things to get better. You were not the reason she claimed she was unhappy. She gave up on you because she's a quitter. Her unhappiness was not your fault or responsibility. She needs other people in her life to be happy. She's weak and pathetic. You did yourself a favor by saying "no" to her.


Yes she did find someone else pretty much immediately. Yes, it makes you sick to your stomached when you think about how happy she must be with this new guy without you. But, the thing is, you made the choice to by telling her to " * * * * off". You made the choice to leave her. You made the choice to let her go.


Remember how good you felt when you let her go? Remember how you felt relieved that you wouldn't have to bear her children? Remember how good it felt not to have to have to deal with her emotionally insane family? Remember how it did feel not to deal with her obesity, crooked teeth, or insane level of neediness or otherwise. Why should a new guy in her life bother you? You have nothing to be ashamed of. You made the right, and liberating, choice.


I know you still want to know what she is doing. I know you want some 'connection' with her. But these are just wants. You have to move on and pursue what you NEED. You NEED to let her go. You NEED To realized that you are better off. You NEED to get on with your life. You NEED to feel good in your own skin. You NEED To tell yourself and force youself to tell yourself this everyday. You NEED to TRY to not make yourself miserable. You also NEED some vacation time.


You'll be alright. Just stop obsessing about her.

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You've been in this for three weeks now. I know the other shoe hasn't dropped yet, but you still need to keep moving forward with your life. I know you want to get to the bottom of whats really bugging her. Understand that it'll never be the same so you need to move forward. You can live life without her, if you don't want to be the guy you were before you met her then don't be. Just be smarter next time. Use your head and not your heart.

Everything will be fine.

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Dear Redmage22,


You can't blame her for the unneccesary(Sp?) time you spent on her. You could have left her at any time. In fact, you almost did before she left you. She did treat you like crap, but you let her. It's not really a matter of fault, but accepting the pain coupled with what you allowed her to do to you is a responsibility you must accept. She was a crappy gf but at least you have the years to acknowledge that you can do much better.

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Dear Redmage22,


You still have a lot of pain to work through, but let's face it, you fell for the first girl you ever dated WAY too hard with acknowledging what you really wanted. Don't see this as a betrayal. See this as a learning experience and realize that mabey this isn't the best time for you to engage in a relationship. For now, keep trying to let her go, keep crying if need be, and, for * * * * sakes, KEEP WORKING ON YOUR WRITING CAREER!!


Keep strong my friend. You are going to make it. She will be nothing more than a memory soon.

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Dear Redmage22,


You're not really angry anymore. You're not TERRIBLY sad anymore. You don't even care if you're going to see her again( and when you do, cry about it). You're afraid.


You're afriad you're going to encounter her again. You're scared she's going to do something. You're afriad she's going to come crawling back to you. You're afraid she's going to try to hurt you. You're afraid she's going to call you and want to become friends. You're afraid that she's always going to be in your life even though you are gone from hers.


You scared... because NOW you know she's truly... but a small part of fate might prove that untrue. I'm afriad I will see you again and I find myself preparing for such an encounter.


But... she's not here. There is no reason to be afraid. She won't call. She won't harass you like she did when you broke up with her. I'm gone. She's not coming back. And now... you can feel like you did when you dropped her huge * * * out the door; like yourself.


Best regards,



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Dear Redmage22,


Emotional fallout is a * * * * *, isn't it. You still miss her. Or rather you did when she started seeing someone else... which is strange... you need more confidence in yourself, my friend. You need to realize that this guy only SEEMS better than you because he has 10+ years of experience in his life that you don't have, yet. You need to realize that you outwit his intelligence by AT LEAST 10 fold. You need to know that he took your ex because he has to take what he can get.


You wisened up. You ditched that * * * * *. You made SURE that she was out of your life. Don't go back on your word. You in fact said to her, "everybody goes through their first breakup. NOTHING good lasts forever." You ditched HER. STAND BY YOUR DECISION!!! DON'T LET YOUR JEALOUSY over this next desperate guys she has get to you. You ARE NOT INFERIOR TO HIM/HER!! IN FACT, you have the rest of your life ahead of you unimpeded by another person that has and probably would have taken advantage of you.


You are better off. You have no reason to worry about what WILL happen. You have no reason to think about her. You have no reason to think about her. You have no more reason to hate her(you got that all off your chest about a week ago). You have no reason to even fear that you will encounter her again. YOU ARE GONE! YOU WILL NEVER HAVE TO SEE HER AGAIN! YOUR ARE IN CHARGE OF YOU AND YOU ONLY AND HAVE NO REASON FOR ANY MORE OBSESSION!! YOU ARE FREE!!


Truly needed to say/hear that,


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Dear Redmage22,


Oh right... there is something that guy has that you don't. One thing that your ex desires above anything else that only she could treasure. One thing that she covets that only one of her type could want.


That would be pure, unadulterated WILLINGNESS. He's not more handsome. He's definitely not smarter. He's definitely not a people person. He's just WILLING to take what he can get... and so is she.


Good to get that out,



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Dear Past2Future,


I heard about you and your ex. The terrible and unexcusable things she did to you and your heart pain me to hear. I know you stuck with her when you gave up everything for her, moved accross states to be with her, only to be pushed aside for another guy a week later. I know you stayed in contact with her professing your love, seeing her and making love to her. She finally agreed to move back to where you were attending college after she broke up with her boyfriend, but one week before she was suppose to move down, she got another guy. I know how cruel she was recently telling you she never gave a damn about you and she hasnt been in love with you for a long time. She was just using you. Life will go on eventually for you. Your first love is always the hardest to get over. You having zero self esteem doesnt help at all. Someone one day will find you attractive again. Dont feel so lonely, dont cry everyday while you sit in class and think about her. Dont let her harsh words on how ugly I was to her get to you. Dont keep looking at her away messages they will only pain you. I wish you the best in life, and I hope the difficult times that lay ahead will only make you stronger.

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Dear me,


SOOO Thankful that she is gone. I have no pressure. I don't have to have kids in 3 years. I don't have to consider leaving her after spending even more time with her. I have no anxiety now. I don't want her anymore and I feel like myself again... which is apparently... miserable.


Oh well. At least I'm not yearning for her anymore. At least I'm not crying(as much) anymore. Now... I just have to find more purpose in my life.

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hey me

this is a tough road for you but you are getting there - you are still here, that must count for something! you are a tough cookie and you will do great - concentrate on your studies and take care of you. dont let your ex get to you, he wants you to be miserable, to miss him, to yearn for him - he wants an ego boost. dont let him win sweety you are better than he is.


remember life is a journey full of ups and downs and its during these times that we learn something about ourselves - learn to love yourself hunny, you will get the happiness that you are desperately craving. patience is a virtue. good things come to those who wait and your time will come too.


take care

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Dear Redmage22,


I know you feel insecure right now because you don't truly know what this new guy has that you REALLY don't. I know you feel shunned and alone. I know you think this guy is better than you(Actually... that's funny because it's ridiculous... this is just a moment of insecurity). But dude, wake up!


You have the rest of your life ahead of you, and although you THINK you don't have what it takes, YOU ARE WRONG. You are no better or no worse than anyone else in this world.


Also... I think you finally come to the closing stages of your grief when you have starting saying, "she's dead to me." And, you know what, you don't have to be happy for her. You don't care enough to be happy for her. When the worst happens to her YOU KNOW you don't have to care. You don't wish her dead anymore, you now just don't care is she does die or worse. She's dead to you Redmage22. There is nothing you WANT to do to bring her back.

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Dear Redmage22,


You're are angry with the world and with yourself. You are angry because you suffered, and are still suffering, over a human being that you love that is now being 'loved' by somebody else. I'M VERY ANGRY because I gave my time, my affection, my patience and my very will to this person and, for the first time in your life, the person you love most dear in this world had left you.


You're angry because like everyone else... you loved and lost and the time you put into the person you loved has done nothing but cause me pain from loss and the sheer rage of acknowledging that she is taken by someone else now that MAKES HER HAPPIER!! What can I do? Is this what love does? I heave myself into her loving arms and then she decides I can be doffed like old clothing? She's not even attractive. How the hell can she find someone to love so fast? How is that right? How is that fair?


Well to hell with her. I DID ditch her bum, craft artist * * *, and now this is the consequence. I HATE THIS CONSEQUENCE! Why couldn't have I done what she did and just not even react to it? Why didn't I find somebody new like she did? Why can't I.... Well... everybody goes through this don't they.


Wonderful. And now I'm alone on top of things. I hope all this * * * * goes away one day. I really do.

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me: me again

me: hey me wassup

me: sup me, just logged in 2 remind u of sumthin

me: ???

me: sounds scary

me: lol

me: no i just want u 2 no

me: that u will live thru wutevr cums n i will always b there 4 u.

me: uhh...

me: lmao i aint hittin on u fool!!!!

me: lol

me: lol

me: k tnx

me: ttyl then

me: ttys bro



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Dear Miss Wonderful,


You've put yourself in an akward place, you know. You really shouldn't be here but you did it to yourself. I don't know what you expect from this. Are you expecting it to postpone the inevitable? Because you know this break up HAD to happen. And not just for him to realize what a bad bf he was being so he could change his ways...


We both know that he hopes for a future for the two of you... But you've said it before, you really think you'd be able to take him back and have a healthy relationship after all the things that he's done? After all the history and hurt that you've sustained?


I don't know. Wouldn't it be easier to start anew? To start from complete scratch where there's no baggage?


Possibly. But at the same time it would also mean finding that same love again...


Hang in there kid. You were doing really well. You've already agreed to this... "relapse", and we both know how you are. You hate flaking out. So go through with it but don't forget! You are not his anymore. Nevermind that he's not yours. Just think of it as this... This really IS the best thing for YOU. This will clear the path for someone new and better. OR this will help him get on the road to being that wonderful guy you saw inside him. You know he had potential.


But either way: You HAVE to go through with this! You are NOT alone. I'M still here with you. And don't forget how many friends you've been making and how much fun you're going to have. Most of all, think about school. You NEED to really start being serious and hurry up and graduate! Because as much as you want a future, you need to start making one! Establish yourself first and worry about the rest later!


Good luck.


Until later,


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hey me


you are absolutely amazing ,I am proud of the way u ve handled urself and come out of this mess.She ai'nt worth a dime of ur time and love.u have all what it takes to be loved, sad for her she lost out, her loss, u dont have to mourn it.fire ur cylinders, up up n away

love u mate

Me(who else)

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me: me again

me: hey me wassup

me: sup me, just logged in 2 remind u of sumthin

me: ???

me: sounds scary

me: lol

me: no i just want u 2 no

me: that u will live thru wutevr cums n i will always b there 4 u.

me: uhh...

me: lmao i aint hittin on u fool!!!!

me: lol

me: lol

me: k tnx

me: ttyl then

me: ttys bro





i thought that was brilliant lol

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you have come a long way sweety, the pain is getting less and less and you are beginning to see that there is a life without your ex. keep this up and you will be back to your normal loving, laughing self again. march forward and dont look back, you are almost there.

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Hey man,


It's all going to be fine, so why do I feel like I am being dishonest with myself? Sitting at your desk, the sun is shining brightly through the dark clouds. It will get better, so stop thinking about when she is going to call back again, she screwed you up big time mate... she guilt trips you and totally forgets about everything and the way she has treated you. It is time to move on, finish off your pilot training that you have wanted so desperately for so long.


You don't even know if you loved her or if it was obsession. Did you just want her for sex or for a relationship? Of course for the first time you wanted a relationship... but you would still settle for sex because your a testosterone filled 21 year old male. This isn't how you want to be, you never use to be like this... People always compliment how nice, sweet and caring you are, so why change? You want her but she just isn't the right one for now pal.


Forget about her for now, she will be back for more later.


Take care for now my fair weather friend

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Hey me,

hows it going? i am soo proud of you. you have done amazingly well, keep this up lass and you will do just fine. he wasnt right for you sweety and you are beginning to realise that now. he didnt value you, he didnt care, he made you into a joke. why are you still pining for him?? there are plenty out there who are worthy of your love and who will treat you with the love and respect that you deserve - that guy isnt worth your time. live for you now.


love me

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Don't allow your hurt to consume you. You are an amazing woman and you have people asking you out all the time. I am proud that you are sticking to your guns and not allowing yourself to make a stupid decision and invovle yourself with anyone for any reason until you are ready.


You gave yourself a goal and you are not even close to that yet and that is fine, you still have time left on the calendar.


Keep enjoying life. When you are ready there is a man out there that will complete you and you him. He will be honest, faithful, committed, supportive and your best friend. It does exist.

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Dear me,


It's been a year now. She isnt worth it. Not even a little. You've suffered enough. You've mourned enough. You can feel yourself becoming powerful again and regaining your strength. God gave you a gift by removing her from your life. Now focus on being happy with yourself, by yourself and take each and every opportunity to advance yourself that you can.


Your real love is out there and she will love you like your ex did, only better...and with none of the aftertaste.




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Dear Redmage22,


So you've found out your are not insane. You've also found out think too much. Allow you emotions to come forth and DON'T WORK YOURSELF TOO MUCH!! If you can't deal with your emotions and work OT, THEN DON'T.


And yes.... she's dead to you now. You don't have to worry about this anymore until later.

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