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Lately with my boyfriend ive been getting so aggrivated. Everything i used to love about him and the things that i used to just ignore now drive me crazy! Its small little things, like him being goofy just to make me laugh,it now makes my skin crawl- ok maybe thats a little too much but ive found myself yelling at him for being , well ,him. Am i overreacting here? Is this just a stage people go through in their relationship?

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i've been with him for over a year now and none of these things have bothered me until about a month ago. We only see eachother a few times a week but talk all the time. I have been thinking that we need some space from eachother..because if youve read some of my previous posts, we-- well , he has some things he needs to figure out.

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Is there anything about your relationship which could be better; which might be frustrating you? I also agree with Eric that you might want to consider having more time apart, or taking two weeks or so apart soon to see what it's like to not be together.

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Is his "goofyness" just what his maturity level is, or is it strictly just to make you laugh?

I can understand that; you used to find it cute, and now you think it's a little too much, that's all.


Talk to him about it and let him know, "hey that gets on my nerves, it used to be cute but it's kind of getting old now. You can be cute in different ways, though."

Something like that just to get it rolling and see what he'll do and take it from there.


Honestly, I don't think it flat out means you're breaking up or you need to reconsider anything. There's more steps to come before that all happens-- you're just starting to sort this all out, so take it from there after you actually see about talking to him about it and seeing where it actually goes.

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I wouldn't start dismissing the relationship so soon, ST, I think this is something which can definitely be worked on. Since you two have been together for a year already, the endorphins (chemicals in your brain responsible for the 'in love' feeling people get) might be dying off, which is normal.


When he's acting goofy, for example, are you annoyed because he's embarrasing, or for some other reason (you might just be sick of him doing it or something)? If you're finding him to be an embarrassment, maybe your differences in maturity are starting to become a problem. Maybe not, I'm not really sure.

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The endorphins went away a long time ago, they don't last that long.


Now, I didn't said it was over, just said it was time to take a serious look at it. One normally does not get upsed about "silly" things, most of the time there is an underlying issue, getting upset about those "silly/small" things just shows that there is something else that is not right.

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the goofyness im referring to isnt embarrassment because he only does it when we are in private. he'll just act stupid and silly which used to make me laugh but now i just roll my eyes and tell him sto stop but he doesnt get the hint that i actually cant stand it. About the maturity level, he is actually 6 years older than me but sometimes reminds me of my 15 year old brother..and THAT bothers me a little..

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