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Anyone else find this weird?

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My boyfriend and I have been together two years. The other day he was wearing some boxers that I had never seen before; they were the Simpsons ones and so were novelty. I asked him about them and he said they were bought for him at Christmas this year by a girl friend of his.

I know of the girl because a year ago, on our 11month anniversary (we always celebrate each month) he met up with her to revise instead of seeing or talking to me.

Anyway this girl used to go out with him before me and they have been good friends ever since.

Since around September this girl has been going out with my boyfriends best friend so he thinks I shouldn’t be mad about the her buying him underwear because it means nothing and also because they are novelty and not sexy. I still feel really pissed off that she did it though; does anyone else find it weird?

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Maybe you and I are crazy, but there's no way I wouldn't feel weird about a girl (who ever this girl was..) buying my boyfriend underwear.


I bet your boyfriend would feel differently if one of your ex boyfriends, or even a good guy friend bought you underwear and gave it to you as a gift.


I mean, it would also be different if he bought it for himself while she was there. But recieving underwear as a gift from someone of the opposite gender is just too personal in my opinion.


Why was she considering buying him underwear of all gifts? I mean, there are all sorts of Simpsons things out there.. why underwear?

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Giving clothing of any type, but especially underwear, is a very personal gift. Thus, it should only be given to someone you have a close, personal relationship with. What she did is inappropriate, period.


Why is she giving him Christmas presents, anyway, when he is no longer her boyfriend and he is dating someone else? It's also awfully convenient she is now dating her ex's best friend. Something about this girl spells T-R-O-U-B-L-E.

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I think it was disrespectful to you. He doesn't get that. If you make a big fuss then you will end up looking foolish and I'm sure that is exactly what she wanted. Don't give in. lol She is a loser and he has goofy looking underwear... don't sweat it.

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nah. one of my dad's female co-workers once bought him a pair of leopard-skin speedos as a gag gift for Christmas. he and my mom laughed about it for years, every time he pulled them out of the drawer.


and then there was the time a female friend of mine bought me a Simpsons t-shirt for my birthday. she just saw it in the store and it reminded her of me.


this may be just a combination of the two. after all, if he had something to hide, why would he tell you that she gave them to him?

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babybear, having read your past threads just now, your boyfriend is continually doing things that are very suspicious, and a few that are pretty close to cheating - actually, that are in my book.


When is it going to be enough for you to kick him to the curb? He cannot seem to maintain appropriate boundaries in his friendships with other girls, and I fear eventually he is going to dump you when one of these friendships crosses the line. Imagine how you'll feel then; kicking yourself because you ignored all the other untrustworthy behavior in the past.

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I too read back on your previous threads. So I am in agreement with Scout here. THis thing with the underwear along with what you have posted about in the past certainly raises a bunch of red flags to me. I think it might be time for you to move on and find a more trustworthy person in your life.

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Scout, i have also looked at her past threads and i see a shaky relationship but no cheating at all. what did i miss?


The party where he cuddled, hugged, kissed, and slept with another girl the whole night. And the next morning where he hugged her a lot again and his friends commented that he seemed gaga over her. Also flirty text messages from other girls, and the picture of a girl's legs on his cell phone.

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nah. one of my dad's female co-workers once bought him a pair of leopard-skin speedos as a gag gift for Christmas. he and my mom laughed about it for years, every time he pulled them out of the drawer.


and then there was the time a female friend of mine bought me a Simpsons t-shirt for my birthday. she just saw it in the store and it reminded her of me.


this may be just a combination of the two. after all, if he had something to hide, why would he tell you that she gave them to him?



Gag gifts are different in my opinion. They are meant as a joke.. something to laugh about.


But this was a serious gift from an ex. That is just innapropiate.


I also think shirts are different too. They aren't as personal as underwear is. I mean, everyone sees everyone's shirts. But not everyone gets to see everyone's underwear.. that's more of something that should be shared with the person you love, and only them.. in most cases at least.

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The party where he cuddled, hugged, kissed, and slept with another girl the whole night. And the next morning where he hugged her a lot again and his friends commented that he seemed gaga over her.
hmm, i found this in the very same post:


A couple of months back when we stopped talking I kissed a couple of guys and told him but he says he forgives me and wants me back still. He never kissed that girl; I hacked into her journal to find out everything that had been going on


Scout, i know you're not sexist, so i ask you: should HE have thrown HER to the curb for that?

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A gift is a gift. Not excepting the gift would be rude. I guess the important question is what kind of gift did your man give her?




That depends on a lot of things. It might be rude not to accept, but it's rude for another girl to get a guy underwear, especially if this guy has a girlfriend that he has been with for a couple years.


And also, since this boyfriend has been untrustworthy in the past, that also adds to it.

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hmm, i found this in the very same post:


A couple of months back when we stopped talking I kissed a couple of guys and told him but he says he forgives me and wants me back still. He never kissed that girl; I hacked into her journal to find out everything that had been going on


Scout, i know you're not sexist, so i ask you: should HE have thrown HER to the curb for that?


I have to be very honest here: I missed that part! And I suppose I might be pointing this out in self-defense, lol, but she said they weren't talking when this happened. If they were on a break, that is some justification I suppose.


I still say his other actions are suspicious, there's just too many of them happening.

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The point is that it makes the original poster uncomfortable, and if you read some of the past posts by her, it's understandable.


I don't think in her case it is appropiate for him to accept underwear from an ex. Even if it is cartoon underwear..

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Just out of curiosity, then you would not be offended if your girlfriend's ex boyfriend gave her a Christmas present of underwear?


I would not be offended because he is an ex bf and I am her current bf. Personally I think ill be getting more use out of those panties than he will. In fact if they were really sexy, I would probably thank him, then brag about how her wearing those panties made me think of new positions i had never dreamed of before.

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When I kissed the guys I had dumped my boyfriend over the cuddling and kissing that girl issue.

We were officially broken up and not talking but then I felt bad about it and got back in contact to tell him cause it made my feelings change towards him a bit or something. I don't know it was like a year ago.


I am pissed off about the boxers cause y'know he wore them in the past he told me and then he met up with me and wore them! And he was all "wow how cool".

I asked him to throw them away but he will not; says that is rude as they are still a gift.

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I would not be offended because he is an ex bf and I am her current bf. Personally I think ill be getting more use out of those panties than he will. In fact if they were really sexy, I would probably thank him, then brag about how her wearing those panties made me think of new positions i had never dreamed of before.


Ah, well you must be the most non-jealous and secure person on eNotalone, then!

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